Some statements and advice just stick with you and provide profound wisdom. This is the case with my Dad who declared he was ‘taking it one day at a time’. As he battled through his cancer journey. This small, yet simple statement has had a profound and lasting effect on me. In the hustle and […]
Before I started my coaching business I didn’t realise how much my mind would play in the success of my business. How much my self-belief and confidence would be truly tested. As I’ve developed my business and my mindset as an entrepreneur I’ve come to realise that self-doubt is a natural part of the human […]
During my very first week in secondary school Mark Smith punched me in the stomach. No one came to my rescue, not the teacher or any of the other students. I remember thinking at the time, I must have done something wrong. That I was somehow broken and must need fixing. Looking at my life […]
I’d been resisting it for so long, telling myself there was another way. But the feeling of hopelessness was growing ever stronger. I knew I needed to do something to regulate my nervous system and go from hopeless to hopeful. So I took a part time job and it helped soothe my nervous system. It […]
Years of childhood bullying then workplace bullying can have a deep, profound and long lasting effect on your confidence and self-esteem. As a result of childhood and workplace bullying I was a victim of my circumstances and I can see how that victim mentality has played out in my life and business. Self-doubt, a lack […]
I’ve always been a massive animal lover and grew up with cats. Admiring their tenacity, bravery and individual characters. They don’t question their abilities to jump big and wide spaces. They focus, aim and jump. It got me thinking about what cats can teach us about conquering self-doubt. Cats are always so curious and inquisitive. […]
Throughout the years in my coaching experience I’ve experienced a range of self-sabotage. From procrastination to putting too much on my to do list and then not actually getting anything done. Over the years I’ve created massive self-awareness around the subtle signs of self-sabotage. From the shift in the energy in my body, to the […]
In this week’s blog I’m excited to share five of my favourite books for moving forward without fear. But let’s get real for a moment, fear is never going to go away. It’s more about moving forward with the tools, wisdom and insight to overcome the fear that creates the blocks to our success. As […]