A Mindset & Empowerment Coach for Coaches and Healers.
Part of my gift, as a coach and healer, is intuitively connecting and sensing what isn’t being said and peeling back the layers to reveal the inner truth.
The self-sabotage, disconnect, uncertainty, self-doubt and fear that’s created the upper limit and plateau in your business. I see past the surface level and powerfully mirror back to YOU so you can reconnect and expand.


A 60 minute 1:1 coaching and healing session to help you transform negative beliefs from
the past, so you feel empowered and courageous in creating your next level of business breakthroughs with confidence and self-belief. BONUS: One week of Voxer voice note support to help you reach your goals.

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By signing up you are agreeing
to the Terms and Conditions

Hi, I'm Suzie

For coaches and healers who are ready to ditch their self-doubt, increase their confidence and attract more clients

For coaches and healers who are ready to ditch their self-doubt, increase their confidence and attract more clients

A 60 minute 1:1 coaching and healing session to help you transform negative beliefs from the past, so you feel empowered and courageous in creating your next level of business breakthroughs with confidence and self-belief. BONUS: One week of Voxer voice note support to help you reach your goals.

I just had the most amazing Breakthrough Clarity Call with Suzie! If I had to describe it in one word it would be...MAGIC!!!

We discovered an old memory that revealed some clues to my visibility struggle! She guided me through some yucky feelings of being misunderstood and unseen all the way through to feeling COMPLETELY WORHTY. This bright light of mine is shining!! Shining with love and happiness. I am ECSTATIC!!!

Suzie truly has a gift! I'm so blessed to have this experience. It's worth its weight in GOLD!

Empower Hour

Empower Hour

A Mindset & Empowerment Coach for coaches and healers who are looking to ditch their self-doubt and increase their confidence for their next level of business success.

Part of my gift as a coach and healer is intuitively connecting and sensing what isn’t being said and peeling back the layers to reveal the inner truth hidden in your subconscious mind.
The self-sabotage, negative beliefs, fear and confusion that's affecting the growth of your business. I intuitively connect the dots between your current day beliefs and your childhood experiences so you can heal emotions that have been weighing you down and feel safe to move forward in your business

and powerfully mirror back to YOU so you can reconnect and expand.

❤️  You want to increase your confidence and self-belief so you can show up as the best version of yourself in business and give amazing value to your clients

💜 You want help with releasing the self-sabotage, negative beliefs, fear and confusion so you can grow your business without becoming burnout and resentful

💚 You want a caring, supportive coach who will help you untangle your subconscious beliefs and release the self-sabotage so you can feel empowered and brave

💛 You want to give yourself the permission to take action at your own pace so you can give amazing quality and value to your clients without feeling apologetic

Is this you?

💕 I'll help you unlock your confidence and elevate your self-belief so you can create business breakthroughs and re-awaken the amazing, gorgeous, talented, fabulous person inside of you

💕 I'll use my intuition and clairsentient gifts to kinaesthetically feel into your core childhood wounds and heal these so you can stop playing small and step into your most powerful and unlimited self

💕 I'll intuitively sense into the root of your subconscious fears and go beyond the surface level of what is being said so you can find your way back to yourself and feel deeply fulfilled in your business

My super powers?

Is this you?

My super powers?


Hi, I'm Suzie

Big Promise

In your empower hour you’ll expand into a more empowered and fulfilled business owner having addressed your most pressing challenge or negative belief, so you can give yourself the permission to go to the next level of business success and be of greater service to your clients.

I just had the most amazing Breakthrough Clarity Call with Suzie! If I had to describe it in one word it would be...MAGIC!!!

We discovered an old memory that revealed some clues to my visibility struggle! She guided me through some yucky feelings of being misunderstood and unseen all the way through to feeling COMPLETELY WORTHY. This bright light of mine is shining!! Shining with love and happiness. I am ECSTATIC!!!

Suzie truly has a gift! I'm so blessed to have this experience. It's worth its weight in GOLD!

What others have said...

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