
Unleashing Your Reticular Activating System

October 6, 2023

When you’re truly focused on your goals and desires you can achieve the impossible. You may have heard the saying it’s 20% mindset 80% strategy. Of course as a Mindset & Empowerment Coach I’m a supporter of this statement. This brings me onto the importance of unleashing your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to shift your […]

Unleashing Your Reticular Activating System
Unleashing Your Reticular Activating System
Unleashing Your Reticular Activating System
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When you’re truly focused on your goals and desires you can achieve the impossible. You may have heard the saying it’s 20% mindset 80% strategy. Of course as a Mindset & Empowerment Coach I’m a supporter of this statement. This brings me onto the importance of unleashing your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to shift your energy and change your behaviours.

The RAS only allows you to see what you’re telling it is really important to you. 

That’s where the shift in mindset comes in. From a focus on the negative thoughts and your own perceived limitations. To what you desire with positive self-talk and encouragement as you move forward in achieving your goals.

In this week’s blog I’m going to be sharing the importance of mastering your Reticular Activating System and unleashing the power of focus. So that you can transform your behaviours and achieve your goals faster and with confidence.

Shifting your focus

I came across this quote when reading through reviews of the book Ultimate Confidence by Marisa Peer…

“We are all a walking, talking affirmation of what we believe about ourselves, so changing what we believe about ourselves is a vital step on our journey to lasting self-esteem.”

What a great reminder to shift your focus and change what you believe about yourself. When you master your RAS you change your affirmations and what you believe about yourself. 

We are all a walking, talking affirmation of what we believe about ourselves, so changing what we believe about ourselves is a vital step on our journey to lasting self-esteem

Create affirmations of how you want to feel and what you want to achieve, as if you’ve already achieved it. Read them every day and get into the feelings and emotions of the words. Take the time to embody these positive affirmations.

Energy & Emotions

When you focus on negative thoughts with a strong energy or emotion you’re wiring your RAS to let you see and experience more of that. Make a note of the times you feel a strong energy or emotion and notice what you’re thinking about. This will help highlight where your thoughts are predominantly focused i.e the positive or negative.

Make a note of the times you feel a strong energy or emotion and notice what you're thinking about

Each day do a thought flip exercise and change what you believe to be true by creating positive affirmations and statements. Even if you don’t quite believe them yet. Changing your mindset starts with paying attention to your thoughts and consistently doing the work to flip those thoughts and your focus. 

The results – greater confidence, self-belief and self-esteem.

Reprogramming Your RAS

Your RAS filters out what you focus on, so if you’re focusing on your perceived failures or unachieved  goals you’re going to experience more of the emotions that come with that. Think of the RAS as your GPS. You want to set it so it focuses on thoughts that promote how you want to feel and what you want to achieve. This starts with your thoughts. 

Reprogramming your RAS comes with reprogramming your thoughts. You’ve heard the phrase ‘you are what you think’. Well, yes you are because everything you focus on will have you experience different energies or emotions.

Think of the RAS as your GPS. You want to set it so it focuses on thoughts that promote how you want to feel and what you want to achieve

Reprogramme your mindset for greater confidence by focusing on what you desire. The RAS then will filter out more of what you seek. That could be opportunities that had passed you by previously or more positive experiences, helping you take greater actions.

Ready for the next step?

I currently have 2 spots available in my 1:1 coaching program The Empowered Entrepreneur at a special beta price.

This program is designed to help you break through limiting beliefs, unlock your potential, and create a lasting impact in your life and the life of others. Let’s work together to empower you to make your dreams a reality. 

You can learn more about the program HERE.

“Suzie guided me through some yucky feelings of being misunderstood and unseen all the way through to feeling COMPLETELY WORTHY. This bright light of mine is shining!! Shining with love and happiness! I am ECSTATIC!!!” (Melanie)

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