This 1:1 coaching programme is designed for Coaches & Healers who feel they’ve reached an upper limit and are finding it hard to go beyond. You know there’s more you can do to grow your business and create more impact, but you’re stuck! You’re procrastinating, doubting yourself and your ability to reach your financial goals.

The Empowered Entrepreneur will help you transform your thinking at the deepest level. You’ll break through challenges which have been holding you back and create a ripple effect of change when you share more of your work with the world. You’ll be able to help more people, make more money and most importantly create more impact, on repeat!

I'm ready to shine!

The Empowered Entrepreneur

Gain the clarity and confidence to break through your limitations

Empower yourself to embrace new opportunities and overcome self-doubt

Understand the root cause of your self-sabotage and feel more empowered

Align your actions with your financial goals and help more people

Expand your reach and make a positive difference in the lives of more people

Build a thriving business you love that creates consistent income and a lasting impact

Transform your energy and take inspired action so you can grow your business

What would it feel like to...

I just had the most amazing coaching session with Suzie! If I had to describe it in one word it would be: MAGIC!!!
We discovered an old memory that revealed some clues to my visibility struggle! She guided me through some yucky feelings of being misunderstood and unseen all the way through to feeling COMPLETELY WORTHY.

This bright light of mine is shining!! Shining with love and happiness! I am ECSTATIC!!!
Suzie truly has a gift! I'm so blessed to have this experience! It's worth its weight in GOLD!

Elevate & Impact was created to support coaches, like you, who are experiencing doubts and low self-confidence, to feel good about themselves. So you can help more people and create more impact through your work, by first empowering yourself.

I was bullied throughout my school years which hugely affected my confidence and self-belief. Following years of investing in myself and using the methods I’ll be sharing with you inside Elevate & Impact, I've been able to shift from corporate employee to Mindset & Empowerment Coach, creating a deep impact with my clients.

As a fully qualified coach, NLP, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner plus Reiki Master, I understand that healing doesn't just happen on the surface level. That you deserve to feel good on the inside too.

Over the years I’ve helped hundreds of people in reclaiming their confidence and self-belief and have seen them take inspired action and achieve empowered business breakthroughs.

My mission is to support Coaches and Healers uncover and address the root causes of their mindset blocks for deeper breakthroughs. So that they can help more people, make more money and create more impact.

Here's why I do this work...


Melanie Hood

Tell me more


Twelve weekly one hour intuitive coaching and healing sessions via Zoom to support you in building a sustainable and empowering business

Access to Suzie in a private Slack channel so you feel fully supported with permission to go at your own pace

Receive a recording of your sessions with lifetime access so you can feel inspired and supported at any time

A powerful questionnaire that you'll complete prior to our coaching sessions to give me a deeper understanding of the goals for your business and the impact you desire to create

A workbook to serve and support you on the deep transformational journey of healing your past to create your empowered future self

Here's how it works...

Here's how it works...

The Rise Methodology

RECALL the memory: Memories are only memories to the conscious mind. To the unconscious mind and heart they are current events. The replacement of these pictures creates a permanent healing effect

IDENTIFY the belief: Discover your hidden subconscious beliefs that are blocking your success. Create an awareness around what is stopping you and identify the patterns which are creating self-sabotage so you can help more people

SHAPE the new belief: Pinpoint your current self-sabotaging behaviours to early memories and replace them with more supporting beliefs and behaviours. Shape new beliefs and gain valuable life lessons and wisdom from past events

ELEVATE your confidence: Re-imprint new beliefs, finally end the beliefs and behaviours that have constantly been playing on repeat in your subconscious mind. Respond in more loving ways with kindness towards yourself, so you can elevate your confidence and business growth for more impact

The R.I.S.E methodology was created to guide my clients through a proven process for the deepest mindset transformations. It lovingly nurtures and supports you in healing past memories and limiting beliefs that have been keeping you stuck.

So you can confidently and courageously move forward with the growth of your business. When you feel more confident and empowered, you have the potential to make a deeper impact in the lives of others and create a ripple effect of change across the world.

Create a ripple effect in the world with a new found sense of confidence and self-belief

Feel more empowered, courageous and overcome self-doubt so you can serve more people

Fall in love with your life, see and experience your fullest potential with a calm and focused energy

Feel at peace as you release old habits that have been keeping you stuck and experience more joy

Break through your upper limit and lovingly take inspired action to support your business goals

Trust in yourself and receive permission to prioritise your needs so you can create more impact



Here's how it works...

I'm ready for
the next step


£2,222 or pay in 3 monthly instalments of £740

Q1. How do I know The Empowered Entrepreneur is right for me?

If you’re a coach or healer who feels they’ve hit an upper limit and plateau in their business, this programme is for you. It will help you transform your mindset so you can gain the clarity and confidence to break through your limitations. Release the self-doubt and help more people, make more money and most importantly create more impact in the world.

Got questions? Great, it’s important you feel supported so you can make a decision that’s right for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q2. Do you offer refunds?

Great question! Because of the nature of what I offer and my complete faith that it works I don’t offer refunds. It’s worked for me and my clients and as long as you show up and do the work, you will get results too.

Q3. I've got a question I don't see answered here, who do I speak to?

It's important you feel confident in your decision and that it serves and supports your needs. That's why I'm available to answer any of your questions. All you need to do is just drop me an email at and I’ll get back to you.

Suzie helped me realise that I needed to address the beliefs I had carried as a child into adulthood, before I could make any decisions. Suzie helped give me awareness and helped me heal part of myself that I had kept buried for many years and that I never realised was impacting so much of my life.
I now feel I can move on and without carrying a dark shadow over myself. It has truly been a life changing experience having coaching with Suzie. Learning what I have learned from Suzie I will certainly be carrying with me for the rest of my life and helping others in the process.

Yinka Banto

I'm ready to create more impact!

Big Promise

I created The Empowered Entrepreneur coaching programme to help you feel empowered to break through your upper limit and move into self-love and acceptance, with confidence and self-belief. By the end of this programme you will have a full understanding of what is holding you back, so you can break through the self-doubt and confidently help more people, make more money and most importantly create more impact in the world, doing what you love.

I'm ready to create more impact!