It’s hard to feel good about yourself and move forward when your confidence is not at its best. As I’ve established myself as a coach I’ve been able to work through many negative emotions connected to my childhood. The lessons I’ve learned is that we can build more confidence and self-love. We don’t have to […]
Everyone has daily habits, both good and bad. Such as brushing your teeth twice a day to getting caught up in negative self-talk. Then falling into self-sabotage and procrastinating on your business dreams. Avoiding the things that scare you and make you feel uncomfortable, as you step into the unknown. In this week’s blog you’ll […]
Our mindset and perspective can be shifted in under a minute, when you have the right tools. But sometimes we can spiral and fall into catastrophising, making things much bigger in our head than they need to be. In this week’s blog you’re going to learn strategies to easily shift your mindset in one minute […]
Overcommitting and saying yes to more and more can be a form of self-sabotage. When you put more on your plate to focus on and implement, you’re not really taking action. The result is overwhelm! Our mind only has capacity for so much at any one time and doesn’t do well with multi tasking. It’s […]
Have you ever thought about how much time we spend addicted to our mobile phones and in negative habits? My beautiful Irish man called me out the other day on how much I check my phone. He said you check it then seconds later you check it again! Wooah, yeap, you caught me, I’m addicted […]
Having a fixed mindset or growth mindset can be the difference between success and failure in your coaching business. As a coach I’m sure you know this, but it’s always good to revisit these things. To notice where you’ve slipped in your patterns and habits and reflect on what needs to change or improve. In […]
It’s amazing what you can achieve when you are fully invested in self-belief and show up with enthusiasm. The mind monkeys quieten down and you start to notice the voice of reason. Self-belief can go a long way in your business, helping you create more impact and sales. In this week’s blog, I’ll be talking […]
Over the Christmas period I caught up with some reading and picked up the book Why Woo Woo Works by David Hamilton. He shares some surprising science behind various spiritual practices including Reiki, Crystals and other alternative practices. He digs into how your thoughts, emotions and beliefs have healing power and a link between consciousness […]
In 2017 I had a serious mountain bike accident. Over the following two years I set myself the goal of learning to walk again, unaided. I achieved the impossible and did that through thought and action combined. In this week’s blog I’ll be sharing the power of your thoughts to create your reality through a […]