Why self-belief is your ultimate superpower

Self-belief is a superpower and goes hand in hand with goal setting. If you don’t believe you can achieve your goals or are worthy of success, you’ll self-sabotage. That’s why self-belief is a super power, because when you have the mindset of believing anything is possible you’ll go after your goals with confidence, conviction and […]






Why self-belief is your ultimate superpower

Employee vs Entrepreneur Mindset



What is mindset anyway?

Following years of childhood bullying I internalised my experiences and let them create a deep sense of self-doubt and lack of worthiness in me. After a strong viewpoint to the contrary from a friend in my mid-twenties, I started to transform my self-doubt. I now come to you as a empowered and confident woman excited […]

Confidence & Self-Belief: The Ripple Effect


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Have you ever felt like you were on the verge of something great, only to watch it slip through your fingers as you fall into self-sabotage? Maybe you’ve had moments when everything in your life was going exceptionally well, and then, almost unconsciously, you did something to derail your progress. If you’ve experienced this, you’re […]

The Art of Unstoppable Success


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Overthinking can keep you in a trap of self-sabotage. Making you doubt yourself and your decisions, while creating a cycle of fear and uncertainty. When you’re running a business it’s hard to stay motivated, take action and achieve your goals when your mind is stuck in a constant loop of repetitive negative thoughts. In this […]

Overcoming the overthinking trap


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When you’re truly focused on your goals and desires you can achieve the impossible. You may have heard the saying it’s 20% mindset 80% strategy. Of course as a Mindset & Empowerment Coach I’m a supporter of this statement. This brings me onto the importance of unleashing your Reticular Activating System (RAS) to shift your […]

Unleashing Your Reticular Activating System


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You may often think that you’re the problem, but it’s not you but your thoughts that are the problem! Your negative thoughts can become all consuming and feel like an iTunes playlist on repeat. That’s how it used to be for me, until I did the work to turn my mindset around. This week’s blog […]

You’re NOT the problem, your thoughts are!


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The moment I accepted the job I could feel my confidence and self-belief around the success of my coaching business slipping away, I knew it was the right thing to do at the time, but equally I let my external circumstances affect how I felt internally. It felt like a setback and that impacted my […]

Reconnecting with your confidence after a setback


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I’m a glass half full kind of person. I’d rather be an optimist than a realist any day as the vibes help me maintain a positive mindset and build resilience in the face of adversity. I’m often asked how I stay so positive and in today’s blog I want to share some of my tips […]

From Chaos to Calm: Nurturing a Positive Daily Mindset


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The Myth: I don't know enough

How many times have you uttered the words, out loud or in your head ‘I don’t know enough’. This was the start of my coaching journey and this belief sabotaged my business growth for years!  I felt like an imposter and never felt like I knew enough. I’d buy the latest business or self-development book […]

The Myth: I don’t know enough


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Some statements and advice just stick with you and provide profound wisdom. This is the case with my Dad who declared he was ‘taking it one day at a time’. As he battled through his cancer journey.  This small, yet simple statement has had a profound and lasting effect on me. In the hustle and […]

My Dad’s advice for developing a better mindset


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