
One Simple Tip For Transforming Self-Doubt

April 5, 2024

‘We get the results we subconsciously believe we really deserve’. This is a quote from Spencer Johnson’s book, Yes or No. It’s said that 95% of what we do on a daily basis is driven by our subconscious mind and our subconscious beliefs. In this week’s blog we’re going to be exploring evidence that supports […]

One Simple Tip For Transforming Self-Doubt
One Simple Tip For Transforming Self-Doubt
One Simple Tip For Transforming Self-Doubt
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‘We get the results we subconsciously believe we really deserve’. This is a quote from Spencer Johnson’s book, Yes or No. It’s said that 95% of what we do on a daily basis is driven by our subconscious mind and our subconscious beliefs.

In this week’s blog we’re going to be exploring evidence that supports the belief that you are worthy and deserving of success. What to do if you can’t find any evidence of your worthiness of success and the next steps. Lastly, how to find origin stories around self-doubt and success and transform them for greater self-belief.

Are you ready to dive in?

For our mind to form a new belief we have to give it evidence of our success, otherwise it will keep playing the same programming over and over again, based on past experiences.

Firstly, decide what belief it is you want to create. For example, I am deserving of success and it comes to me easily. You then need to start building a case for this new belief. What evidence can you find, big or small, that shows you that this belief is true?

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent

EFT practitioner, Brad Yates, says ‘we often believe that our deservedness is based on our merit, what we’ve achieved, what we’ve done’. Instead of thinking of the external merits, look inside and know that your results do not determine your worth as an individual.

You are worthy of success because you are a good person, enjoy helping people, are friendly, kind and compassionate. What other evidence can you find to support this new belief?

Sometimes our beliefs can be so ingrained in our subconscious mind that it holds on tight and fast to these old beliefs. When this happens and you notice the resistance to letting it go, it’s time to change the language and phrasing of your new belief.

In case no one has told you lately, you are amazing, strong, brave, wonderful, kind, loved, worthy and there is no one like you. The world needs you

Working on your own belief, notice where you feel the resistance and think about some of the language you might change in terms of the new belief that you want to create. Change the language to something which brings up less heavy emotions and resistance. Start from this place and then move into the sticker feelings and emotions. For example, you might want to change the word deserving to accepting.

When looking for evidence to support your new belief, dig into your childhood. Your family and school stuff and see what you discover. 

Did you have a sibling you weren’t allowed to outshine? Were you successful in something at a young age, sports for example and someone said or did something that made you feel like you didn’t deserve it?  These are your origin stories.

At some point in your life you're going to have to start demanding what you deserve and be willing to walk away if what you require can't be provided

When you look at your origin stories and join the dots to your current day beliefs you can look for evidence to support the new belief that you want to create. The one simple tip for transforming self-doubt is to find evidence of the belief that you want to create. And one way to do that is to look back at what caused the belief in the first place.

If you’d like more help with ditching the self-doubt, increasing your confidence so you can make more sales and impact in your coaching business, book a free connection call. You are worthy of the success you desire and it gets to be easy.

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