
Mistakes I’ve made with cultivating a growth mindset

April 26, 2024

Mindset has become a bit of a buzzword over the years. But equally it’s important that we’re aware of it and take the action needed to cultivate a growth mindset, for greater wellbeing. In this week’s blog we’re going to be exploring the mistakes I’ve made with cultivating my mindset, so you don’t have to […]

Mistakes I’ve made with cultivating a growth mindset
Mistakes I’ve made with cultivating a growth mindset
Mistakes I’ve made with cultivating a growth mindset
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Mindset has become a bit of a buzzword over the years. But equally it’s important that we’re aware of it and take the action needed to cultivate a growth mindset, for greater wellbeing.

In this week’s blog we’re going to be exploring the mistakes I’ve made with cultivating my mindset, so you don’t have to repeat these. What ‘not’ to do if you’re hitting an upper limit and your mindset isn’t supporting you. Lastly, how to create a mindset practice that supports you in cultivating a growth mindset.

Are you ready to dive in?

Working on your mindset can be a journey of ups and downs, as I’ve discovered myself. If you’re willing to do the work to strengthen your mindset it’s not always easy. Things don’t always turn around overnight. Knowing the challenges that come with building a more positive mindset is key to success, because you will hit roadblocks.

Some of the mistakes I made when working on my mindset have included…

Ignoring Self-Reflection: Not dedicating the time for self-reflection and exploring my thoughts, emotions and reactions. Seeing it as a time consuming task and not recognising the benefit for developing a stronger mindset. If you want to go deeper on this I encourage you to check out Byron Katie’s work.

Slow down, love. The Universe is sending you a sign, to not give up but to slow down, to reflect on everything you have and who is there for you, you are always finding something to do and somewhere to go...but the greatest gifts are already in your possession.

Overlooking Small Wins: Not always acknowledging and celebrating the small wins as I was too busy to move onto the next thing. Resulting in a lack of motivation. Taking the time to recognise your progress, no matter how small, reinforces positive behaviours and a positive mindset.

Neglecting Self-Care: I’ve not always paid attention to my physical and mental well-being which has affected my mindset. Make sure you prioritise your self-care and get adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise and find proactive ways to deal with stress for a stronger mindset.

Have you heard of the phrase ‘new level new devil’? When we do the mindset work and reach the next stage in our mindset growth, we can sometimes hit an upper limit. I’ve been there and have learnt a few things from it that I want to share with you…

Ignoring the Signs: Ignoring or denying the signs that you’ve hit an upper limit can intensify the problem. Take the time to recognise the signals that suggest your mindset may be holding you back, such as feelings of frustration, self-doubt, or stagnation.

You will reach your goals once you level up your mind

Blaming External Factors: Blaming external circumstances for your mindset limitations can prevent you from taking responsibility for your own growth. Avoid blaming your challenges solely on external factors and instead focus on what you can start doing differently in order to overcome your internal barriers.

Underestimating Your Potential: Underestimating your own potential and capabilities can reinforce a limiting mindset. Pay attention to negative thoughts that come in and challenge them. Believe in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals, even in the face of challenges.

As you’ll see, developing a growth mindset can come with its challenges, which is why it’s important to create a daily mindset practice that supports you.

Here are some of my favourite go to’s…

Embrace Challenges: Challenge yourself regularly by setting goals that push you out of your comfort zone. Embrace setbacks and failures as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles to success. See failure as feedback in the right direction.

Success starts with SELF-BELIEF. Trust in your abilities and embrace challenges

Experiment and Explore: Embrace with a spirit of curiosity and experimentation. Try new things and explore different approaches to problem-solving and learning. Figure out what works best for you.

Surround Yourself with Support: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage and uplift you. Seek out mentors, friends, or communities that share your commitment to building a growth mindset.

Would you like help with cultivating a stronger mindset, ditching the self-doubt, increasing your confidence and making more sales and impact in your coaching business? Book a free connection call and let’s see if we’re the right fit to work together.

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