Overcommitting and saying yes to more and more can be a form of self-sabotage. When you put more on your plate to focus on and implement, you’re not really taking action. The result is overwhelm!
Our mind only has capacity for so much at any one time and doesn’t do well with multi tasking. It’s better to focus on one thing to completion and then move onto the next. But some of us have trouble staying focused and jump from one exciting training or project to another.
In this week’s blog we’re going to look at surprising ways in which you’re self-sabotaging your business goals and how to stop. What to do if you’re feeling exhausted from pushing yourself to be the best. Lastly, we’ll address your limiting beliefs at the root and how to build sustainable growth.
Are you ready to dive in and beat the overwhelm?
Surprising ways in which you’re self-sabotaging your goals and how to stop
Are you aware that you are self-sabotaging? Psychology Today says behaviour is said to be self-sabotaging when it creates problems in daily life and interferes with long-standing goals.
Here’s some of the less common sabotages that I’ve noticed in my life…
💙 Overcommitting then not having time to implement and delaying achievement of my business goals
💜 Being unrealistic about how long it takes to complete a task and feel stressed and unproductive
💚 Doing the non-urgent non-monetary things first like phoning Amazon to enquiry about a delivery
Have you experienced any of these and how have they contributed to your feelings of overwhelm?

A 5 step process for addressing your goals is 1) notice your self-sabotaging behaviours 2) monitor your self-talk 3) set achievable goals 4) find an accountability buddy, coach or mentor and 5) Practise self-compassion.
What to do if you’re feeling exhausted from pushing yourself to be the best
Are you pushing yourself hard to achieve your goals and be at your best?
Pushing for success is not a good strategy. It can lead to burnout and overwhelm. If you’re doing all the training courses, reading all the books and listening to all the self-help podcasts, ask yourself why? Is it because you want to feel complete? Or do you feel like you don’t know enough or don’t feel good enough? Or perhaps deep down you’re looking for external validation.

Dig deep and ask yourself, really, what are these behaviours costing you and the achievement of your business goals? Are they helping or hindering you? To heal and align your mindset to create real change, self-care needs to be a priority.
What new behaviours could you create to support a practice of self-care? Here are some of the things I do when I’m feeling exhausted and want to unplug…
❤️ A long hot shower with my favourite shower essentials
💚 Curled up on the sofa with a cup of Yorkshire and a blanket
💜 Walk in nature with my Irish man and tech time out
💙 An early night to give my brain a rest (it’s a muscle like any other)
💛 A massage where I can completely switch off and let someone else be in charge
What will you do to up your self-care and give yourself permission to slow down to speed up?
How to address your limiting beliefs at the root and build sustainable growth
Your limiting beliefs have a root to them, just like a plant would. What you see on the surface level is not the full picture. There’s stuff happening below the surface that we want to dig into. Beliefs have layers, much like that of the layers of a cake or an onion. By addressing your limiting beliefs at the root you can build sustainable growth in your business.

So how do you get to the root of your beliefs? Simple, look at your childhood stories. It’s in your early years that you create your beliefs which you carry with you for years and years. Unless you do the inner work to change those beliefs.
Take time to address your beliefs and ask yourself if they’re really true? What evidence do you have to support them? Whose belief is it? Yours or did you learn it from someone else? Is the thought really serving you? And if not (it’s normally a no), what’s the next best feeling thought you could reach for?
Challenge your old beliefs and create reminders (affirmations, voice notes, diary reminders) to code in the new beliefs.
The Next Step
Would you like more support with addressing your self-sabotage and negative self-talk? Ready to ditch the self-doubt, increase your confidence, double your impact and make more money in your coaching business? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.
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