
Overcoming the overthinking trap

October 13, 2023

Overthinking can keep you in a trap of self-sabotage. Making you doubt yourself and your decisions, while creating a cycle of fear and uncertainty. When you’re running a business it’s hard to stay motivated, take action and achieve your goals when your mind is stuck in a constant loop of repetitive negative thoughts. In this […]

Overcoming the overthinking trap
Overcoming the overthinking trap
Overcoming the overthinking trap
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Overthinking can keep you in a trap of self-sabotage. Making you doubt yourself and your decisions, while creating a cycle of fear and uncertainty. When you’re running a business it’s hard to stay motivated, take action and achieve your goals when your mind is stuck in a constant loop of repetitive negative thoughts.

In this week’s blog I’m talking all about how to break free from overthinking  so you can go after your dreams and desires, with confidence and self-belief.

The First Step

The first step to overcome overthinking is to have the self-awareness that you’re overthinking in the first place. Recognising this familiar pattern is going to help you break free and create a new pattern. One that is going to better serve and support you.

If you wait for someone to tell you “you’re overthinking”, you’re already fully immersed in this pattern. What you want is to head off this behaviour before it really takes hold. Otherwise it becomes a downward spiral.

If you wait for someone to tell you "you're overthinking", you're already fully immersed in this pattern. What you want is to head off this behaviour before it really takes hold.

There’s different ways to build self-awareness around your overthinking patterns. Firstly, noticing physical and physiological reactions in your body. Do you find you have anxiety in your stomach or chest? Pay attention to your negative thoughts. Is fear running the show? If so, what is the voice in your head telling you and is it even true?

Mindset Strategies

After self-awareness comes mindset strategies for overcoming the overthinking trap. Here are my top five mindset strategies which have helped me when I’ve fallen into overthinking. Hopefully they will help you too…

  1. Rumination vs problem solving: Get clear when you’re ruminating on an issue as opposed to looking for a solution. Ask yourself what needs to change?
  2. Accept your thoughts: Don’t fight your thoughts, accept the anxiety and fear. Explore it. What is it protecting you from, then let it go
  3. Talk back: Get into the habit of talking back to your inner critic. Don’t just accept what it has to say. Counter argue and fight it with logic
  4. New perspective: Gain a new perspective on your negative thoughts by sharing your concerns and worries with someone else. They’ll have a different viewpoint to you and will be able to help you shift your focus and energy
  5. Reality vs Perception: This is a favourite of mine. Get clear on what your mind is telling you and then ask yourself, is this reality or perception? Most of the time it’s just perception and your mind keeping you stuck in uncertainty and fear

Get into the habit of talking back to your inner critic. Don't jus accept what it has to say. Counter argue with it and fight it with logic.

Stop the spiral

When you’re in full overthinking mode the anxiety can take hold and you can feel like you’re spiralling. Making it really hard, if not impossible to reach your business goals. That’s why it’s super important to take action fast and not dwell in overthinking.

Here are my top three tips for stopping the spiral of overthinking and bringing yourself back to clarity. So you can focus on your business goals with confidence…

  1. EFT / Tapping: This is my go to and you can find lots of tapping scripts on YouTube to help you with overthinking. Ultimately EFT is a relaxation tool. Think of it like acupuncture but without the needles
  2. Change your environment: When you shift your environment you shift your energy. For me it often looks like a walk in nature, but you can do what feels right for you
  3. Shift your focus: If you’re focusing on all the negative thoughts, flip the switch and focus on what you want to achieve, what you desire and what you want to create in your life

Ready for the next step?

I currently have 2 spots available in my 1:1 coaching program The Empowered Entrepreneur at a special beta price.

This program is designed to help you break through limiting beliefs, unlock your potential, and create a lasting impact in your life and the life of others. Let’s work together to empower you to make your dreams a reality. 

You can learn more about the program HERE.

“Suzie guided me through some yucky feelings of being misunderstood and unseen all the way through to feeling COMPLETELY WORTHY. This bright light of mine is shining!! Shining with love and happiness! I am ECSTATIC!!!” (Melanie)

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