I’ve always been a massive animal lover and grew up with cats. Admiring their tenacity, bravery and individual characters. They don’t question their abilities to jump big and wide spaces. They focus, aim and jump. It got me thinking about what cats can teach us about conquering self-doubt.
Cats are always so curious and inquisitive. They don’t question their abilities or worry if they’re good enough to jump a fence. They trust in their feline skills and don’t second guess themselves. So what can
Life lessons from a cat
If we look at the way a cat acts and makes decisions we’ll see that it doesn’t agonise over every decision, it just acts.
It adopts a strategy for maximum results…
- Scratching my bed at 4am is his strategy for getting more food
- Examining the distance before jumping onto a windowsill helps him reach his destination
- The hairs rising up on his back is a defensive strategy when he’s afraid

Now, unless you’re a cat, you’re not going to do any of these things. But in each situation the cat has a strategy and doesn’t doubt his end goal.
So, how can we be more cat-like and stop doubting whether we can achieve our goal or not?
Ready, fire, aim
As humans we’re taught to ready, aim, fire, but as Australian Coach Sandy Forster says, we have it the wrong way round.
We always want to get ready with the idea that we’re working on in our business first (ready). When we have that we want to fire, then we adapt and adjust (aim) as we go along. Much like a cat will adjust its strategy for getting food.
Cue my cat trying to tickle my face with his whiskers after his first attempt to get food was ignored. The cat doesn’t doubt his ability to achieve his goal. He just adopts a new strategy.
What happens when we apply this same methodology to our lives and business instead of going into self-doubt? We achieve our goals much faster.
Strategies for overcoming self-doubt
So let’s look at how we can apply these feline strategies to our own life. So that we can overcome self-doubt and create more impact in the world….
- Begin with the end in mind
- Believe in our ability to achieve
- Be persistent and don’t quit

These are all strategies that our feline friends use to achieve their goals. We can do the same too. It’s just a matter of adopting new strategies and changing our behaviours.
After all, it’s said that doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity.
Just do it!
Have you ever noticed how cats don’t second guess every jump they take? That they trust in their actions regardless. Imagine how much easier and more flowing your life and business would be if you did the same.
As Nike says ‘just do it’

As humans we can have a lot of self-doubt and spend so much time in our head. This can result in analysis paralysis, stopping us from achieving our business goals and making more impact. Instead, we get to connect and focus on our heart’s desires (like a cat will with food).
Spend more time focusing on what you do want instead of what you don’t want. You’ll feel more confident, focused and will have the courage to take action to pursue your goals.
Fail forward
When you fail, fail forward, because each failure is a lesson.
When cats are kittens they don’t give up after their first jump. Much like a toddler won’t give up after their first attempt to walk.
If you aren’t hitting your goals – keep going!

Don’t make your failures mean something bad about you. Instead, use them as an opportunity for growth and learning. There’s lessons in everything, if you have the willingness and curiosity to find them.
Ready to create more impact?
Do you want to let go of the self-doubt and step into your full potential, feeling truly worthy of your next level of success? Then I invite you to work with me as your Mindset & Empowerment Coach to elevate your confidence and self-belief with deep mindset transformations.
Click here to book a call and find out how I can support you with my 1:1 coaching services
“Suzie guided me through some yucky feelings of being misunderstood and unseen all the way through to feeling COMPLETELY WORTHY. This bright light of mine is shining!! Shining with love and happiness! I am ECSTATIC!!!”
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