Self-doubt to success is what we all want, right?! But the pandemic wasn’t easy for anyone and in May 2021 it finally took its toll on me. The result was that I hit a huge upper limit / glass ceiling in my business and my mindset crashed.
So did my business results 😢
Over the course of a few months I went from having the best month in my business to falling into self-doubt, negative self-talk and imposter syndrome.
I was in a coaching mastermind at the time and I asked for help and did all the practical things. But my mind wasn’t keeping up and was taking me down a path of self-doubt and self-sabotage.
I had to leave my mastermind early and do what I swore I would NEVER do!!! I got a job, albeit part time and felt like a massive failure.
Looking back now I consider this challenging period an important part of my business growth. Albeit that’s not how I saw it back then as I grappled with the belief that I had failed.
What it taught me was the importance of consistent mindset practises every day. The importance of spiritual and practical steps to go from self-doubt to success.
In this blog I’m going to share with you three of my favourite techniques that will help you go from self-doubt to success. So that you can break through your glass ceiling and beyond your upper limits.
I want you to succeed and my aim is to inspire you with what has helped me come back from my own challenges.

Negative Consequences
So often we focus on what we don’t want instead of what we do want. This can affect our confidence and self-belief. But we can flip the switch and focus on the ‘negative consequences’ of what we don’t want.
This is a proven technique to go from self-doubt to success in your coaching or healing business.
We either motivate ourselves towards or away from things. In my case I was focused on the negative consequences around having a part time job. Lack of flexibility, less impact, less freedom.
These are the things that I wanted to move away from. I saw them as the negative consequences if I didn’t take action to change my situation.
By focusing on what I didn’t want and what I wanted to move away from, I was motivated to achieve what I did want. Freedom and flexibility to design my day on my terms. Without having to ask permission from someone else.
Creating more impact and reaching more clients. Making more money and giving back by hiring contractors in my business, such as my Virtual Assistant.
Take a moment to get clear on what you want to move towards i.e. freedom and flexibility. Then what you want to move away from. Use this as your motivation every day to keep reaching for your goals. You are capable of more than you think and when you’re playing small the people that need you aren’t getting your support.

Energy Healing
What if you had a unique technique that could calm you, so that you could think more clearly? Helping you go from self-doubt to self-belief.
When I discovered EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) / Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting, that’s exactly what I experienced. In EFT we’re taught that ‘the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system’.
EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture WITHOUT the needles. When I discovered EFT it changed my life and I know it can help you change yours. If you’re open to exploring it in more depth.
A good starting place would be online EFT videos with Brad Yates or you can purchase my Empowerment Bundle.
This will help you on so many levels and has everything you need. So you can pull up what bothers you and turn it off. Helping you go from self-doubt to success and reach for that next level of business success that you’re meant for.
You can use this powerful tool to release the resistance to change. To heal the negative emotions and beliefs which are having you playing small. You are meant for something more!

Business Bestie
When I found my business bestie, Amanda, in a Facebook group I didn’t quite realise how much of an impact it would have on my life. How much she would support me with going from self-doubt to success.
She gave me a safe space to share my challenges and wins, without judgement. She supported, encouraged and championed my success. Just having someone believe in you like that is hugely powerful and a great motivator.
We speak most days and I particularly remember a two minute voice note she once left me. It was so inspiring, that I played it on repeat about eight times as her words resonated so much with me. I felt heard and understood as I navigated my entrepreneurial journey.
The Power of Belief
She had utter belief in me during a time when my own was wavering. She was the voice of reason, the compassionate heart, the ear that would listen. The person that believed in me. Along with Amanda I’ve had some close friends who have also been powerful cheerleaders.
The key is to listen and be open to receiving support. You don’t need to do it all on your own. Give yourself permission to go from self-doubt to success by receiving from others first. Having someone there in your corner when you’re facing challenges is the best thing.
They’ll hold you accountable and go on the journey with you. They’ll mirror back how amazing, beautiful and successful you really are. So if you don’t have a business bestie yet, go find one. Hang out online in Facebook groups, on Instagram or wherever you like to hang out online.

Are you looking for support with overcoming self-doubt? Help with creating more success in your coaching or healing business ? Then book a FREE discovery call with me today.
We’ll look at how I can best support you so that you can reach your next level of business success. With confidence and self-belief and without being held back by self-doubt. Remember, the world needs you and it’s your job to show up so your clients can find you!
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