
Self-confidence is self-esteem plus self-love

March 29, 2024

It’s hard to feel good about yourself and move forward when your confidence is not at its best. As I’ve established myself as a coach I’ve been able to work through many negative emotions connected to my childhood. The lessons I’ve learned is that we can build more confidence and self-love. We don’t have to […]

Self-confidence is self-esteem plus self-love
Self-confidence is self-esteem plus self-love
Self-confidence is self-esteem plus self-love
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It’s hard to feel good about yourself and move forward when your confidence is not at its best.

As I’ve established myself as a coach I’ve been able to work through many negative emotions connected to my childhood. The lessons I’ve learned is that we can build more confidence and self-love. We don’t have to stay stuck in the past, we can create a new future.

In this week’s blog you’re going to learn how self-esteem and self-love can increase your self-confidence and impact. What to do if your lack of self-confidence is creating self-doubt and intensifying the voice of your inner critic. How to heal negative emotions from your childhood for greater self-confidence and self-love.

Are you ready to dive in?

Psychology Today states that esteem comes from the Latin word ‘aestimare’ and confidence comes from the Latin word ‘fidere’.

Confidence = To trust in our knowledge, skills and abilities

Esteem = To Appraise, value, rate, weight or estimate our self-worth

When you positively appraise, value and rate your self-worth through positive self-talk, this internal validation nurtures self-love. The Brain & Behaviour Research Foundation states that self-love is a state of appreciation for yourself that grows from actions that support your physical, psychological and spiritual growth.

Being in love with every part of yourself. Taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Not settling for less than you deserve

Self-love means taking care of your needs over sacrificing your wellbeing to please others. It’s about giving permission to put yourself first, without feeling selfish. It’s also about using positive self-talk to support your wellbeing in all areas of your life.

When self-doubt affects your ability to trust in your knowledge, skills and abilities, that’s when your inner critic gets louder in your ear. Focusing on all the things that you’ve got wrong or are not good at. There’s a couple of things you can do to quieten your inner critic and increase your self-confidence.

The worst outcome in this world is not having self-esteem. If you don’t love yourself who will?

Firstly, give your inner critic a persona i.e. a name and personality. When you do this it makes it easier to separate yourself from your inner critic and talk back to it. The second thing you can do is to show your inner critic and yourself (because they are two separate things) all the things you’re amazing at!

Get creative and write down as many skills, abilities and knowledge you have. Give yourself the evidence that you are the expert in what you do. Remember, an expert is a person with more knowledge on a particular subject than the average person in a room. An explanation very helpfully coined by Lisa Johnson, Global Business Strategist.

We all have negative emotions buried in memories from childhood. But memories are only memories to the conscious mind. To the subconscious mind and heart they are current events. When you replace these pictures you create a permanent healing effect.

The next step is to discover your hidden subconscious beliefs that are blocking your success. This creates an awareness around what is stopping you and helps you identify the patterns which are creating self-sabotage so you can move forward and help more people.

Healing comes from your sincere desire to heal yourself, and this is how you initiate your own healing and become your own healer. No one can heal you! You are the only perso who has the power to heal yourself

When you’ve pinpointed these self-sabotaging behaviours to early memories you can replace them with more supporting beliefs and behaviours. This helps you gain valuable life lessons and wisdom from past events.

By reimprinting new beliefs, you can finally end the beliefs and behaviours that you have constantly been playing on repeat in your subconscious mind. You can respond in more loving ways with kindness towards yourself, so you can elevate your confidence and business growth for more long-lasting impact

If you’d like more help with increasing your self-confidence and self-esteem then book a free connection call and learn about my unique RISE methodology that will help you transform the way you think and feel and most importantly elevate the impact you make in your business.

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