Our mindset and perspective can be shifted in under a minute, when you have the right tools. But sometimes we can spiral and fall into catastrophising, making things much bigger in our head than they need to be.
In this week’s blog you’re going to learn strategies to easily shift your mindset in one minute or less. Discover what to do when you’re catastrophising and how to shift your perspective. Lastly, you’ll learn how to recognise when you start to spiral into negative self-talk.
Are you ready to dive in?
Mindset reset in under one minute
Shifting your mindset doesn’t have to involve hours of meditation, chanting affirmations all day or visualising your future self for an hour before bed. You can literally create a mindset shift in under a minute and I’m going to show you how.
This fun one minute mindset shift is credited to Jay LaGaurdia. Shifting your mindset and your perspective on how you view problems is key to success and achieving your goals. So I encourage you to start incorporating this into your life as a daily practice.

Step 1: How long do I choose to be present in this emotion? What am I feeling? (identify the emotion)
Step 2: Where am I experiencing this emotion? What physical sensation do I feel in my body? (feelings are language of the body)
Step 3: How do I choose to feel? How do I want to feel? Emotions are choices. Opposite of anger is calm or love
Step 4: Recall a moment in time, a memory where I was experiencing nothing but unconditional joy or love i.e. spending time with a loved one. Put yourself back in time based on how you want to feel and spend a few minutes there
Shifting your perspective
When you follow your thoughts you’ll notice where they lead you. If you’re like me you’ll notice at times your thoughts can go from one negative thought to the next. Predicting a future that hasn’t happened yet and focusing on the worst case scenario. When this happens, you can start to spiral and this can create anxiety, fear and overwhelm.

This is how to shift your perspective when you’re catastrophising. Firstly, notice your negative thoughts and reach for the next best feeling thought. Just look for the silver lining or the gratitude. It doesn’t have to be a giant leap.
For example, if a big client of yours has ended their contract with you, look for the next best feeling thought and the one after that and so on. So for example, you may say to yourself ‘I’ve still got money coming in’, then ‘this frees up more time to market to my ideal client’, and so on.
Notice the spiral of negative thoughts and interrupt it with a change in perspective.
Spiralling into negative self-talk
A good way to recognise when your mind is spiralling is to keep a thought diary. We have something like 65,000+ thoughts a day. A lot of them are negative and most of them repeat. Also they run at a subconscious level, so we’re not always consciously aware of them, which makes it hard to shift our perspective.

Get fierce with your mind and pay close attention to your negative thoughts. Write them down as you notice them and do this for 2 – 3 days (or longer if you can). Once you’ve written them all down, even if they come up more than once, go through your list. Did one thought lead to another thought? Is there a pattern here? Are these negative thoughts really true? How could you shift your perspective on these thoughts?
The Next Step
Would you like more support with addressing your self-sabotage and negative self-talk? Ready to ditch the self-doubt, increase your confidence, double your impact and make more money in your coaching business? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.
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