Limiting beliefs

Ho’oponopono: The power of forgiveness

January 19, 2024

In 2018 I discovered a technique called Ho’Oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian technique for forgiveness. It’s not until recently that I started paying attention to this amazing technique with remarkable results in my own life and the life of my clients. In this week’s blog I’ll be sharing proven strategies for shifting limiting beliefs using Ho’oponopono […]

Ho’oponopono: The power of forgiveness
Ho’oponopono: The power of forgiveness
Ho’oponopono: The power of forgiveness
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In 2018 I discovered a technique called Ho’Oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian technique for forgiveness. It’s not until recently that I started paying attention to this amazing technique with remarkable results in my own life and the life of my clients.

In this week’s blog I’ll be sharing proven strategies for shifting limiting beliefs using Ho’oponopono and EFT tapping. What to do if you’ve done all the mindset work but you still can’t shift your negative beliefs. How to open yourself up to a greater sense of peace, forgiveness and self-compassion.

Are you ready to get stuck into this juicy topic?

Ho’Oponopono & EFT Tapping

If you’re not familiar with Ho’oponopono it’s a mantra that consists of 4 simple phrases…

I love you

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

Phrase 4: Thank you

These simple phrases on their own have tremendous power of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation. They also have the power to erase and transmute your limiting beliefs.

EFT is the rhythm of release, Ho'oponopono the melody of healing. Together, they compose the symphony of self-belief, where every note resonates with the power of 'I am enough'

When combined with EFT / tapping their impact is amplified as you release blocks in your energy system. This magnifies the effect of eliminating your limiting beliefs. To make it even more effective you can bring up an image / photo of the person you feel has wronged you and look at this photo as you ‘tap and forgive’ on the memory or event.

The Ultimate Mindset Shift

Write a forgiveness list, no matter how big or small the memory or experience and create a practice of tap and forgive to cleanse and clear your energy. Even just ten minutes a day is enough to create big shifts in your life.

By practising the Ho’oponopono Mantra “I love you, I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank You” you are clearing limiting beliefs that are stopping you from being at the pure state of love, the zero state, where there are no limits.

EFT echoes through the corridors of self-doubt, while Ho'oponopono is the cleansing wind that blows away the shadows. Together, they carve a path for unshakeable self-belief

It’s important to note that you’ll get much faster results if you don’t just say the phrases but if you really FEEL them. You can say the phrases along with tapping on each point and repeating the phrase as often as you like, out loud or silently in your head.

Peace, Forgiveness and Self-Compassion

When we are in a state of peace, forgiveness and self-compassion we open ourselves up to so much more opportunity. Our mindset shifts as we step out of critical self-talk, self-doubt and let go of our limiting beliefs. 

As EFT taps into meridian points, Ho'oponopono taps into the soul. The fusion of techniques unveils the masterpiece within - a canvas painted with self-belief and confidence

Ho’oponopono, alongside EFT tapping are two of the most effective methods for addressing these kinds of challenges. So you can move forward in your coaching business with confidence and self-belief. 

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to free yourself from everything that is not love. This includes your harsh and harmful thoughts and any judgements you may have towards yourself or others. Ho’oponopono and EFT tapping will help you free yourself from these burdens.

Take the next step

Would you like more support with your shifting out of negative beliefs and hitting your business goals? Ready to ditch the self-doubt, increase your confidence, create more impact and make more money in your business? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.

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