Our words impact our everyday life but so often we don’t have the self-awareness of the impact it’s creating for us, our clients and those around us.
In this blog we’re going to look at ways you can reframe your language to feel more confident and increase your business results. What to do if you’re caught up in disempowering and negative self talk and how to reframe your language for a more positive approach in life.
Reframing your language
Our words hold energy which can either lift us up or pull us down. The language we use elicits emotions from us.
Take a moment to notice what you feel in your body when you say the words debt. Where do you notice the energy in your body? Is it heavy or is it light? Do these words make you feel empowered or disempowered? Good or bad?

When we say these words we associate them with past life events or possible future life events and that creates a feeling of discomfort in our body.
Instead shift your words to ones that feel more empowering. For example, change the word debt to investment. Notice the difference in your body. How has the energy changed? Do you feel more positive and empowered? It’s all possible and from just reframing our words.
💜 What to do if you’re using disempowering words and feeling self-critical
Empowering words
Self-awareness is key when you want to move away from negative and self-critical talk. A great way to do this is to take an inventory of the negative language you’re using. Set the intention to spend a day or two noticing the negative language you’re using.
Make notes each time you catch yourself being critical. Review your notes, look at the themes and become more self-aware of how you’re talking to yourself. Are you telling yourself you should, you have to, you can’t or you’ll try. Let’s flip this language on its head!

‘Should’ become ‘could’, for example, ‘ I should do a live to my audience today’ becomes ‘I could do a live to my audience today’. Feel how this is less heavy and releases the shame and guilt.
You don’t ‘have to’, you ‘get to’. Again, notice the difference in the energy and how you feel more motivated to take action through the use of more empowered language.
You ‘can’t’ becomes, you ‘can’. This shifts you from a negative and disempowered state to a more positive and motivating state. When you believe you can, you will more likely take the action to achieve your goals.

Lastly, when you say you’ll try it’s like you’re telling your brain you’re going to half arse it! When you shift your language to ‘I will’ it’s going to change your motivation levels. Imagine saying ‘I’ll try and get a client this month’ to ‘I will get a client this month’. What’s going to motivate you more to get the results in your business?
Take the next step
Would you like more support with creating more confidence through the power of positive language? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.
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