
3 business lessons for self-love and acceptance

December 1, 2023

Sometimes you hear something and it just hits you and all the puzzle pieces fall into place for self-love and acceptance. That’s what happened when I heard Suzy Ashworth, a Quantum Transformation and Embodiment Coach, speak at Denise Duffield-Thomas’ Chill & Prosper event last month. In this blog I’m going to be going through each […]

3 business lessons for self-love and acceptance
3 business lessons for self-love and acceptance
3 business lessons for self-love and acceptance
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Sometimes you hear something and it just hits you and all the puzzle pieces fall into place for self-love and acceptance. That’s what happened when I heard Suzy Ashworth, a Quantum Transformation and Embodiment Coach, speak at Denise Duffield-Thomas’ Chill & Prosper event last month.

In this blog I’m going to be going through each of the three powerful, transformative, yet simple tips with you. So that you can lean into self-love and acceptance and revolutionise the way you think about yourself and your business.

Love and accept yourself

The first is something I think we can all struggle with from time to time. We may claim to love ourselves, but when it comes down to it, how much do we really love and accept ourselves? The voice of our inner critic will argue ‘not that much’ as it chomps at our ear telling us all the reasons why we’re not good enough.

Let’s look at some ways that you can love and accept yourself…

  1. Deliberately focus on thoughts that feel good to you rather than just responding to events, situations and experiences around you
  2. See challenges as an opportunity to grow instead of using them as a chance to beat yourself up. Get into the energy of seeing things as a positive challenge and practice self-love and acceptance
  3. Ask yourself what the benefits are of practising more self-love and acceptance. What would change for you? How would you feel? Notice any resistance that comes up and journal around that
Focus on thoughts that feel good to you rather than just responding to events, situations and experiences around you

Set up your business in a way that works for you

As a highly sensitive person I can find the online world overwhelming at the best of times. There’s always so much advice about how you should be doing things and how you shouldn’t be doing things. How you should and shouldn’t feel.

I’ve never been one to be told what to do and honestly rebel and dig my heels in.

That’s when we get to follow the second tip shared by Suzy Ashworth and do business in a way that works for us. We don’t have to do what everyone else is doing and fall into frustration, comparison and feel that sense of failure when we don’t reach our goals.

Give yourself permission to practise self-love and acceptance and set up your business in a way that works for YOU!

Give yourself permission to practice self-love and acceptance and set up your business in a way that works for YOU!

Have people that support you

We can’t always be our own cheerleader, because let’s face it, life gets in the way. That’s why it’s important to have people that will support us when we’re not supporting ourselves. With the right support group we can have friends, family and business buddies that can mirror back to us all that we have achieved.

Receiving support from others helps us practise self-love and acceptance by seeing life through a different lens. Often we are our own worst critic, when in fact the supportive people around us see what we don’t give ourselves credit for.

I encourage you to speak with three of your most supportive friends and loved ones. Ask them what they see in you? What do they consider as your gifts? How do they view your success? You’ll be surprised how differently you might be seeing yourself. Soak that up, receive it in and practice self-love through external sources.

Receiving support from others helps us practise self-love and acceptance by seeing life through a different lens

Take the next step

If you’d like more support with overcoming self-doubt, grab my free guide Self-Doubt to Success. If you’d like to find out more about working with me, book a free connection call and let’s chat about what your next step looks like.

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