Firstly, if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I’m a big fan of Denise Duffield-Thomas. I was so excited when I joined her Money Bootcamp programme last year. One of the first concepts she introduces you to is incremental upgrades. If you’re living an economy lifestyle you can make incremental upgrades to a first class lifestyle.
However, you don’t have to just apply it to your money mindset. You can apply it to all areas of your life!
Using this approach I’ve made tiny incremental upgrades in my thinking and belief system. I soon noticed a shift in how I felt each day. Happier, more positive and experiencing more joy. I’m sharing below some of the ways I’ve upgraded my mindset and how you can too.
Mountain Analogy
Let’s look at why incremental steps are so important in personal growth. I know you want results now. That you want to feel happier, more fulfilled and lit up in your coaching business. But change doesn’t happen overnight.
Think of incremental upgrades in terms of a mountain. You wouldn’t climb a mountain in a single stride. Same with your mindset and business goals. You need to take incremental steps to reach your goals. Or in the case of the mountain analogy ‘the summit’.
Let’s break it down…
Boulder = months
Rocks = weeks
Stones = days
Pebbles = hours
Sand = 15 minutes
This is an analogy I learnt from the amazing coach Susan Brennan. What I love about this is it can be applied to so many aspects of your life. From goal setting to incremental mindset upgrades.
Some aspects of your mindset, including self-doubt and negative self-talk could take you months to achieve. Whereas others could be created with a quick 15 minute fix. Such as a breathing technique or meditation. These will help get you out of fight and fight. Help you calm your mind so you can focus with clarity and confidence.

Tapping Into Incremental Upgrades
Our beliefs and negative self-talk can be stubborn and difficult to shift. Thankfully EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also known as tapping is a really powerful tool of transformation. It helps break through the surface layer and do the deeper work required to reprogramme limiting beliefs.
If you’re not familiar with EFT it’s similar to acupuncture but without the needles. EFT uses the fingertips to tap on the end points of meridian lines throughout the body. By doing so this helps restore balance to your energy system.
By tapping on these points it’s believed to release emotional blockages. Hence increasing the flow of energy and helping us release stored emotions and beliefs which are disempowering us.
Want to find out more about how you can use EFT in your everyday life for more incremental upgrades? Check out my empowerment bundle. Designed to help you break free from self-doubt. To support you in increasing your confidence and feeling worthy of that next level of business growth.

Mindset Upgrades for Personal Growth
My favourite upgrade has come from having a good morning routine, which has set me up for the day. Over the years I’ve had several different morning routines. Some of my incremental upgrades to start my day off on the right mindset have been…
10 minutes meditation
5 minutes visualisation
30 minutes reading (business / mindset book)
Writing out daily goals
Gratitude journal
Writing out daily affirmations
Listening to podcast in shower
15 minute walk / mini workout
EFT / Tapping on mindset blocks

These are all incremental upgrades that you can apply to your morning routine (or throughout your day). To create a strong mindset. So you start the day feeling positive and fall less into negative self-talk. If you’ve not read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, I highly recommend it. It’s great for creating incremental upgrades to your morning routine.
Are you looking for support with breaking through your mindset blocks? In reaching the next level of success in your business? If so book a FREE discovery call with me today.
We’ll look at how I can best support you so you can experience a greater sense of self-worth. So you can experience greater confidence and self-belief and without being held back by self-doubt. Remember, the world needs you and it’s your job to show up so your clients can find you!
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