I felt so much shame around having a part-time job. I felt trapped and in my comfort zone at the same time. It was in the early years of my business. I needed some extra income to supplement my coaching business as it grew. Although I resisted it massively!
I’d been working at a local golf club pouring pints, chatting and having laughs with the locals. I enjoyed the social element but didn’t like that it took me away from my business. I’d set the intention to quit at the end of March 2020. Then the pandemic happened and the decision was taken out of my hands and!
What I realised when this happened was just how ‘comfortable’ it was to have that weekly income. I was spending too much time in my comfort zone. But at the same time feeling comfortable was stunting the growth of my business. Looking back now, going onto furlough was the best thing that could have happened to me. It gave me a kick up the bum. The momentum I needed to go all in with my business again.
Just a few months later I formally quit and took a deep dive outside my comfort zone. The furlough payments stopped and I started making massive inroads in my business. From shifting my niche, investing in online coaching and a coaching Mastermind. To launching a new coaching programme and attracting my dream clients.

Breaking your addiction
Growth comes from doing things that make you uncomfortable. But your mind will resist change, uncertainty and the unknown. Which can create a bit of an internal conflict. I remember times in my business where I felt really comfortable. Yet I rebelled against that feeling as I knew my business wouldn’t grow. That it would be so much harder to hit my goals and help the people I wanted to help.
When you’re in your comfort zone or spend too long there you’re not taking enough risk. You start coasting through life. Not getting to where you want to be in your life and business. You become addicted to comfort. The key to your success is your ability to get out of your comfort zone. To get comfortable with the uncomfortable.
When you step outside your comfort zone you give yourself permission to move through self-doubt. To focus on your self-confidence as you step into the growth zone and reach for new goals. You have to get uncomfortable and take a level of risk. You have to stop listening to your internal negative voice, if you want to grow and reach your goals.

Breaking free of your comfort zone
You’ll never be ready to break free of your comfort zone. You just have to take action. When you do you will learn how capable you are and that your fears are just that, fears.
There’s a difference between perception and reality. You’ll never know what you can achieve in your business until you step out of your comfort zone. When you make the decision to step into your growth zone. By taking the steps to get out of your comfort zone, you’ll find a world of opportunities will open up for you. You’re giving them space to manifest.
Be mindful of what you’re telling yourself will happen when you’ll leave your comfort zone. Your internal negative self-talk is your subconscious mind trying to keep you safe from uncertainty. That’s why it’s so important to recognise your negative patterns of self-talk. Then reframe them into positive and empowering statements.
When you spend too much time listening to your negative self-talk you’ll stay stuck. You’ll lose momentum and not take the risks you need to take in your business to move forward. Resist the urge to stay where you are. Reconnect to your why and take bold and brave action towards achieving your goals and dreams.

What comes after the comfort zone
We stay in our comfort zone to avoid feelings of anxiety and stress. These are caused by uncertainty and the unknown. As humans we’re naturally wired to avoid these feelings. In turn they make us reluctant to leave our comfort zone and take any unnecessary risks.
It doesn’t feel safe for us to take giant leaps out of our comfort zone. It’s like stepping straight into our panic zone. This activates our nervous system and creates physiological responses to stress. This is why it’s important to take incremental steps and go from our comfort zone to our stretch zone.
If your actions are too big your negative self-talk and self-doubt will hold you back from taking any action. So you need to slowly stretch yourself by taking small risks. Teach your subconscious mind the next level of safety. Once you get past any initial fear or anxiety the mind starts to learn and accept that you are safe.
Are you looking for support with breaking free from your comfort zone and creating the life and business you desire? Then book a FREE discovery call with me today.
We’ll look at how I can best support you. So that you can take the next steps in your business with confidence and self-belief without being held back by self-doubt. Remember, the world needs you and it’s your job to show up so your clients can find you!
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