
Navigating the emotional scale

February 10, 2023

We’re all affected by external stimuli on a daily basis and event + reaction = outcome. Our emotions are part of this little sum because when we’re in a place of fear and powerlessness the outcome we can expect will be different then if we’re in a place of joy and empowerment. In this blog […]

Navigating the emotional scale
Navigating the emotional scale
Navigating the emotional scale
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We’re all affected by external stimuli on a daily basis and event + reaction = outcome. Our emotions are part of this little sum because when we’re in a place of fear and powerlessness the outcome we can expect will be different then if we’re in a place of joy and empowerment.

In this blog I want to introduce you to the concept of the emotional guidance scale as described by Abraham Hicks. Each day our external world affects our internal world and how we feel as we experience a range of positive and negative emotions.

Have you ever felt fearful around getting more visible in your business or anxious about launching a new product or service? If you have, then it’s likely you’re at the bottom of the emotional scale and need to take some incremental steps to move towards better feeling emotions.

The emotional scale is a list of commonly felt emotions, ranging from joy and freedom (the highest) to fear, grief and desperation (the lowest). The goal is to identify where you currently sit on the emotional scale and proactively reach for better feeling thoughts.

The Emotional Guidance Scale

1. Joy / Appreciation / Empowered / Freedom / Love

2. Passion

3. Enthusiasm / Eagerness / Happiness

4. Positive Expectation / Belief

5. Optimism

6. Hopefulness

7. Contentment

8. Boredom

9. Pessimism

10. Frustration / irritation / impatience

11. Overwhelment (feeling overwhelmed)

12. Disappointment

13. Doubt

14. Worry

15. Blame

16. Discouragement

17. Anger

18. Revenge

19. Hatred / Rage

20. Jealousy

21. Insecurity / Guilt / Unworthiness

22. Fear / Grief  / Desperation / Despair / Powerlessness

When we’re low on the emotional scale our energy is vibrating at a low frequency, which makes it harder to attract more of what we desire. I mean how enthusiastic (2) do you feel when you’re in a place of fear and powerlessness (22). The good news is that working your way up the emotional scale is completely doable.

If we take the analogy of climbing a mountain, we all know that you can’t climb a mountain in single stride. You have to take incremental steps to progress along the mountain trail until you reach your next rest stop. Let’s work with a specific example to make this a bit more tangible. 

I remember the first launch I did and found myself spending a lot of time in doubt (13) and worry (14), wondering if I was going to make sales, if people would be interested in what I had to offer, if I was going to mess it up or forget something.

When I started to focus on the positive outcomes my clients would receive by working through my programme, I found my emotions shifted from doubt (13) and worry (14) to optimism (5) and hopefulness (6). I wasn’t at the top of the scale yet, but by creating a shift in my thoughts I’d taken a few steps up the emotional scale.

This is a really powerful tool to lean on when you find yourself falling into self-doubt and the fear or your imposter syndrome is taking over. Reach for the next best feeling thought and work your way up the emotional scale. Before you know it, you’ll have shifted out of a low vibrational frequency and into a higher point on the scale.

When you shift out of the heavy negative emotions you shift your energy and increase your point of attraction.

Hopefully what I’ve shared with you today will give you the support and inspiration you need to feel more empowered to create a business that’s going to support you and those that you wish to serve. To receive more support download your free confidence guide and book your free clarity call today. 

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