Breaking the hustle habit & lessons in self-worth

Many of us, especially those who have experienced bullying or spent time in high-pressure environments, can find ourselves caught up in a cycle of endless “doing” to justify our self-worth. This addiction to struggle can be exhausting and sabotage us from truly embracing our potential and achieving success with ease. In this week’s blog, we’re […]






Breaking the hustle habit & lessons in self-worth

Employee vs Entrepreneur Mindset



What is mindset anyway?

‘We get the results we subconsciously believe we really deserve’. This powerful quote from Spencer Johnson’s book, Yes or No, highlights a crucial aspect of our success journey. It’s said that 95% of what we do on a daily basis is driven by our subconscious mind and our subconscious beliefs. In this week’s blog, we’re […]

Rewiring Your Subconscious: Embracing your success and self-worth


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In this week’s blog, we’re diving deep into the heart of what makes a truly impactful coach that leads with authenticity. Are you ready to explore how you can elevate your coaching business by embodying your own success, align with your authentic self, and leading by example?  Let’s jump in! Embodying your own success As […]

The Coach’s Journey: Embodying success, authenticity & leadership


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We often hear narratives that limit our aspirations; “don’t aim too high,” “stick to what you know,” “it’s not safe to…” But these aren’t about you, they’re reflections of other peoples’ fears and insecurities.  To be a true changemaker in business, you must be bold and brave. It’s time to shift the narrative to one […]

Daring to dream and unleashing your potential


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You might often feel like you’re the problem, but it’s not you – it’s your thoughts that are the real culprit, but you have the power to turn them into empowering beliefs. Negative thoughts can become all-consuming, playing like an iTunes playlist on repeat. That’s how it used to be for me until I put […]

Transforming your mental playlist into empowering beliefs


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Spencer Johnson once said, “We get the results we subconsciously believe we really deserve.” It’s believed that 95% of our daily actions are driven by our subconscious mind and the beliefs it holds. This is why it’s so important to rewire our beliefs for success. In this week’s blog, we’ll explore how to uncover evidence […]

How to rewire your beliefs for success


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Life can throw us setbacks and shake our confidence and self-belief, leading us to doubt our abilities and struggle with imposter syndrome. When you’re experiencing low self-confidence and self-doubt, it’s crucial to develop a strong mindset while continuing to market yourself boldly, make more sales, and create greater impact in your business.   In this week’s […]

5 strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome


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Setbacks in life can shake our confidence, leading to self-doubt and those pesky imposter feelings. When you’re experiencing low self-confidence and self-sabotage, it’s crucial to cultivate an empowered mindset. One that allows you to market yourself boldly, believing you can make more sales, and create greater impact in your business.  In this week’s blog, you’ll […]

5 mindset shifts for believing in your potential


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It’s time to change the narrative to one of what is possible instead of letting others project their fears and insecurities onto us. It’s time you dared to dream big and change the narrative, because so much is possible. If you dream it you can achieve it! This week’s blog explores why it’s important to […]

Daring to dream big and change the narrative

Limiting beliefs

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We often play it small and let our mindset get in the way of our success. Selling ourselves short instead of embracing our untapped potential. As Marianne Williamson powerfully stated, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” This week’s blog explores 3 fascinating […]

3 mindset shifts for expanding your potential


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