Being the embodiment of your own success!

In this week’s blog you’ll learn how to take the steps in your coaching business to be the embodiment of your own success. What to do if you’re not in alignment with your work and are not showing up as your authentic self. Lastly, how to feel to help your clients by first focusing on […]






Being the embodiment of your own success!

Employee vs Entrepreneur Mindset



What is mindset anyway?

Failure can hold you back from achieving your goals, if you spend too much time focusing on what doesn’t work and creating an identify out of failure But there is another way, a better way. In this week’s blog you’ll learn how to find the lessons in failure, so you can create opportunities for greater growth […]

Finding lessons in failure for more growth and success


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In this modern world it’s so easy to distract ourselves and avoid the real work. The stuff that’s going to feel uncomfortable initially and take us out of our comfort zone, but equally get us results and build our confidence. In this week’s blog we’re going to identify what could be holding you back from […]

What’s holding you back from building confidence


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Mindset has become a bit of a buzzword over the years. But equally it’s important that we’re aware of it and take the action needed to cultivate a growth mindset, for greater wellbeing. In this week’s blog we’re going to be exploring the mistakes I’ve made with cultivating my mindset, so you don’t have to […]

Mistakes I’ve made with cultivating a growth mindset


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What would the world look like if you loved and accepted yourself unconditionally? If you allowed yourself to thrive from a place of self-acceptance. In this week’s blog you’re going to learn strategies that will help you thrive from a place of self-acceptance and feel good on the inside. What to do if your negative […]

How to thrive from a place of self-acceptance


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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”. This quote by Marianne Williamson is a reminder that so often we are playing small and not living up to our full potential. In this week’s blog we’re going to be exploring 3 interesting facts about […]

3 Interesting facts about tapping into your potential


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‘We get the results we subconsciously believe we really deserve’. This is a quote from Spencer Johnson’s book, Yes or No. It’s said that 95% of what we do on a daily basis is driven by our subconscious mind and our subconscious beliefs. In this week’s blog we’re going to be exploring evidence that supports […]

One Simple Tip For Transforming Self-Doubt


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It’s hard to feel good about yourself and move forward when your confidence is not at its best. As I’ve established myself as a coach I’ve been able to work through many negative emotions connected to my childhood. The lessons I’ve learned is that we can build more confidence and self-love. We don’t have to […]

Self-confidence is self-esteem plus self-love


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Everyone has daily habits, both good and bad.  Such as brushing your teeth twice a day to getting caught up in negative self-talk. Then falling into self-sabotage and procrastinating on your business dreams. Avoiding the things that scare you and make you feel uncomfortable, as you step into the unknown. In this week’s blog you’ll […]

The secret to creating powerful new habits


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The hustle culture is one many of us live in and it can get in the way with our ability to be open to receiving. You don’t have to work hard and struggle, you get to receive support too. You don’t have to go through your entrepreneurial journey alone. In this week’s blog you’re going […]

Lessons in the art of receiving and mindset shifts


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