
Tapping into your self-worth and creating overflow

August 30, 2024

Meditation is a powerful spiritual practice to connect with your higher self and a message I received the other day was to ‘focus on impact’ in order to create overflow. When we focus on impact we allow ourselves to feel worthy of receiving and we create a balance and flow within ourselves. In this week’s […]

Tapping into your self-worth and creating overflow
Tapping into your self-worth and creating overflow
Tapping into your self-worth and creating overflow
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Meditation is a powerful spiritual practice to connect with your higher self and a message I received the other day was to ‘focus on impact’ in order to create overflow. When we focus on impact we allow ourselves to feel worthy of receiving and we create a balance and flow within ourselves.

In this week’s blog, we’re going to be exploring the biggest blocks that are stopping you from receiving overflow in your business. You’ll learn what to do if you’re in the habit of spending money and feel uncomfortable with overflow. Lastly, we’ll look at how to feel safe with having overflow by applying incremental upgrades to your business.

The first step in creating more overflow is discovering where you are blocking yourself. A great way to do this is to look at your daily tasks over the course of the week. What is the thing that you put off each day or don’t complete? For me it’s doing lives or engaging in Facebook groups.

OVERFLOW: The stories your'e telling yourself on a daily basis are simply reinforcing the excuses for why you feel you're not worthy of receiving more

What’s the excuse or story you’re telling yourself about why you can’t do this and then ask yourself is this really true? My excuse is ‘I don’t have time’. This of course is not true, because we all have the same amount of time in our day. It’s how we manage it.

For each task you avoid, use this journal prompt, ‘I can’t do [name of task] because…’ and then write down everything that comes to mind. This is a great way to access your subconscious beliefs. Then turn these into positive beliefs and find evidence to support these new beliefs.

Your wealth is determined by your self-worth. If you don’t feel worthy of receiving higher levels of income you’ll never create overflow in your business. You’ll find ways to self-sabotage and spend that money because you won’t feel worthy of receiving AND holding onto it.

OVERFLOW: The reason you're not taking the actions you need to in business is because deep down you don't feel worthy & deserving of success

Look at where you’re not receiving in your life. Where are you turning things away? For example, do you take compliments with ease and grace? Or do you reject them? If it’s the latter, this is a clue to your ability to feel worthy of receiving overflow.

Start with the small things and practice being in your feminine energy of receiving. When you flex your receiving muscle you also increase your self-worth. Find your way through the uncomfortable feelings and practice receiving. It will pay off for you in the long term I promise you.

Having overflow is about recalibrating your nervous system as well as creating a new normal for yourself. Your whole life you may have energetically rejected having overflow, because you felt unworthy of having more (money or otherwise). If so, it’s going to take time to shift your belief system and create unshakeable self-worth and self-trust that it’s safe to have overflow.

OVERFLOW: If you're struggling to take a compliment your self-worth is out of alignment with calling in more clients

That’s why it’s important to take incremental steps. To give yourself time to acclimate to a new normal. To give your brain time to register evidence on your ability to create overflow. If you try to do too much too soon, you won’t feel safe and it will affect your progress and damage your self-worth.

What one thing could you do today to increase your worthiness to receive? Perhaps it’s taking a compliment when given, instead of rejecting it. How would it feel to receive it as a gift? Take one small step at a time and lean into any feelings that come up. Remember, that they will pass and that you are worthy of having it all.

Are you a coach, healer or heart-centred entrepreneur who is willing to do what it takes to break through your income plateau and feel worthy of receiving overflow?

Great, I’ve got good news for you! I’m offering 5 spaces on my Empower Hour at £99 instead of £177.

The Empower Hour will help you transform your biggest block that needs healing and releasing, using a combination of coaching and energy practices. So you can step into complete faith and belief that you are worthy of success and overflow. That its available for YOU as well as others!Drop me an email at suzie@suzieflynn.com with the word IMPACT in the title to find out more.

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