
Breaking the hustle habit & lessons in self-worth

August 9, 2024

Many of us, especially those who have experienced bullying or spent time in high-pressure environments, can find ourselves caught up in a cycle of endless “doing” to justify our self-worth. This addiction to struggle can be exhausting and sabotage us from truly embracing our potential and achieving success with ease. In this week’s blog, we’re […]

Breaking the hustle habit & lessons in self-worth
Breaking the hustle habit & lessons in self-worth
Breaking the hustle habit & lessons in self-worth
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Many of us, especially those who have experienced bullying or spent time in high-pressure environments, can find ourselves caught up in a cycle of endless “doing” to justify our self-worth. This addiction to struggle can be exhausting and sabotage us from truly embracing our potential and achieving success with ease.

In this week’s blog, we’re going to be exploring ‘hidden’ evidence around your ability to have a deep trust and belief in your success. What to do if you’re addicted to struggle and heavily caught up in the masculine energy of ‘doing’. Above all, you’ll discover how to experience more self-worth in your life on a daily basis without the addiction to struggle

My own journey with an addiction to struggle began in childhood. Years of school bullying, followed by a stint in the corporate world, left deep wounds on my self-worth and belief in my ability to succeed. When I started my coaching business, I found myself falling into familiar patterns – constantly pushing to do more, achieve more, and prove my worth through endless action.

Your self-worth is not based on 
your external achievements. Allow yourself to be in your feminine energy and receive

I thought the more I did, the more worthy I’d become. But no matter how much I accomplished, it never felt like enough. I was caught in an exhausting cycle, always striving but never arriving at a place of true self-acceptance.

The first step in addressing my addiction to struggle was recognising the ways it was showing up for me in my life…

1. A constant need to be “doing” something

2. Difficulty relaxing or enjoying downtime without feeling guilty that I wasn’t working

3. Comparing my achievements to others and always feeling inadequate

4. Pushing myself to burn out, believing the harder I worked the more successful I’d be

5. Neglecting my self-care and personal relationships in pursuit of my goals

If any of these resonate with you, you might be caught in a similar pattern.

Throughout my journey, I’ve realised I was heavily leaning into masculine energy. Getting caught up in the energy of action, doing, and pushing forward while neglecting my self-care and other areas of my life. While hustling and taking action is important, when you lean on it too heavily it can cause burnout and disconnect you from your feminine energy – the energy of receiving, intuition, and flow.

You get to increase your income and impact when you create a balance with your masculine and feminine energy

As a Libra, I’m naturally inclined towards balance but can easily become unbalanced. Recognising this imbalance has been crucial in my healing process. I’ve had to learn to consciously balance these energies, allowing myself to receive and be in a state of flow rather than constantly pushing and striving for success.

One powerful way to break free from your addiction to struggle is to uncover “hidden” evidence of your ability to succeed. Firstly this involves looking at the evidence of your potential and the success you’ve already achieved, so you can recognise and acknowledge your self-worth and capabilities.

Take a moment to reflect on the following…

💛 Times you’ve overcome challenges

💜 Moments of intuitive decision-making that led to positive outcomes

💙 Instances where success came easily or unexpectedly

❤️ Compliments or recognition you’ve received but may have dismissed

These pieces of evidence can help boost your self-belief without feeling the need to be in constant action for a sense of achievement.

Moving away from your addiction to struggle doesn’t mean giving up on your goals. Because it’s about approaching them from a place of self-worth and ease. Here are some strategies I’ve found helpful…

Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with self-compassion and kindness

Set boundaries: Learn to say no to the things that drain you and don’t add value to your life

Embrace rest: Recognise that downtime is essential for your creativity and productivity.

Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small

Focus on alignment: Pursue goals that fit with your values and bring you joy

Set your boundaries and learn to say no to the things that drain you and don’t add value to your life

Cultivating self-worth is an ongoing practice. Here are some daily habits that can help…

Morning affirmations: Start your day by with ‘I have’ or ‘I am’ affirmations to ‘act as if’

Gratitude practice: Acknowledge the good things in your life and how they make you feel

Mindfulness: Stay present and avoid getting caught up in past regrets or future anxieties

Self-care rituals: Prioritise activities that nurture your body, mind, and spirit

Visualise your success: Spend time each day visualising the life and business you want in vivid detail

Remember, your worth isn’t determined by your achievements or how hard you struggle. You are inherently worthy, capable of success, and deserving of ease and joy in your life and business..

As you implement these strategies, be patient with yourself. Basically breaking free from your addiction to struggle is a process, but with consistency and self-compassion, you can experience more self-worth, balance, and with effortless achievement.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. What resonates most with you? How will you start embracing your self-worth today?

Ready to break free from your addiction to struggle and step into your true worth? As a Mindset Coach & Intuitive Healing Expert who’s walked this path, I can support you in transforming your self-worth, creating more impact, and boosting your income as a coach, healer or heart-centred entrepreneur. 
Book a free discovery call today to explore how we can work together to unlock your potential and achieve success with ease.

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