Limiting beliefs

Daring to dream big and change the narrative

June 14, 2024

It’s time to change the narrative to one of what is possible instead of letting others project their fears and insecurities onto us. It’s time you dared to dream big and change the narrative, because so much is possible. If you dream it you can achieve it! This week’s blog explores why it’s important to […]

Daring to dream big and change the narrative
Daring to dream big and change the narrative
Daring to dream big and change the narrative
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It’s time to change the narrative to one of what is possible instead of letting others project their fears and insecurities onto us. It’s time you dared to dream big and change the narrative, because so much is possible. If you dream it you can achieve it!

This week’s blog explores why it’s important to stop playing small and allow yourself to dream big without knowing the ‘how’. What to do if your inner critic is getting in the way of you taking action on your big dreams. Lastly, how to step into confidence, self-belief and self-worth and take courageous and bold action.

Are you ready to dive in?

The narrative we often hear from loved ones, friends and society is ‘don’t aim too high’, ‘stick to what you know’, and ‘it’s not safe to…’. This is not about you, it’s about them and their own fears about what they believe is possible. To be a changemaker in business you have to be bold and brave. You have to give yourself permission to unapologetically dream big, without getting caught up in the ‘how’.

The naysayers that say we can’t or shouldn’t follow our dreams are caught up in fear and inaction. They think they’re trying to protect you but the reality is that they don’t have the vision you have for your life and business.

To be a changemaker in business you have to be bold and brave. You have to give yourself permission to unapologetically dream big, without getting caught up in the 'how'

It takes courage to dream big and when you allow yourself to dream big and stop playing small you accelerate your personal growth. You increase your confidence and step into recognising and living your potential, navigating your way through fear. Life is too short to play small out of fear of scarcity.

Step into your full and embodied self. Live a life worth living, which is one where you’re brave enough to dare to dream big and change the narrative. Let the ‘how’ come later and lead with the vision.

Dreaming big is great, until your inner critic whispers in your ear the narrative around all the reasons why you’re not good enough, it’s not possible for you and why you haven’t got what it takes. Why success is for others but not for you – my inner critic fed me that one for years, until I found a way to silence it, for good!

The voice of self-doubt may be holding you back from truly stepping into your potential and creating the impact as a more confident version of yourself, that would have no reservation in going after her dreams.

Wishing that your inner critic would just go away is ineffective. Shifting your relationship to it changes everything

Let me share with you a very simple yet transformative journaling prompt that will transform your internal narrative on a deep level. Journal on these statements, completing each statement with anything you can think of until you can’t think of anything else.

I’m not good enough because…

It’s not possible for me because…

I’ve got what it takes because…

Success is for others but not for me because…

The more you lean into this exercise the more you’ll find that your subconscious mind takes over and the reasons and excuses start to flow. Next reframe each of these statements into the positive. For example…

‘I’m not good enough because I don’t have enough experience’ becomes ‘I am good enough because I have enough experience to make a difference’. Then look for evidence to support each opening statement (in the positive).

Let go of other people’s opinions of you. That’s just their fears being projected onto you. Remember, you get to choose what and who you listen to. Youtube to create your own narrative and be the embodiment of your own success. When you show up with the energy of someone that is already successful you’ll create more impact and attract more success in your life and business.

Show up with the energy of someone that is already successful and you'll create more impact and attract more success

Nothing changes unless you do and that’s why it’s important to change your internal narrative from one of “I can’t” to “I can”. Recognise when you’re in limiting beliefs and excuses and look for evidence to the contrary. List out all your achievements in life, from learning to walk to getting your first client. Feed you brain evidence of your success and challenge it every day with what is possible for you.

Ready to ditch self-doubt, increase your confidence, and unlock your full potential so you can make a bigger impact and income in your business? Then book a free connection call with me. I’d love to explore how I can support you on your journey.

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