
Finding lessons in failure for more growth and success

May 10, 2024

Failure can hold you back from achieving your goals, if you spend too much time focusing on what doesn’t work and creating an identify out of failure But there is another way, a better way. In this week’s blog you’ll learn how to find the lessons in failure, so you can create opportunities for greater growth […]

Finding lessons in failure for more growth and success
Finding lessons in failure for more growth and success
Finding lessons in failure for more growth and success
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Failure can hold you back from achieving your goals, if you spend too much time focusing on what doesn’t work and creating an identify out of failure But there is another way, a better way.

In this week’s blog you’ll learn how to find the lessons in failure, so you can create opportunities for greater growth and success in your business. Discover what to do if you’re stuck in a victim mindset and can’t see the positives for the negatives. Lastly, you’ll learn how to feel good about yourself in spite of failures and not take it as a personal setback

Are you ready to dive in?

It’s time you reinvented the word failure and saw it as feedback. When you fail it shows you what didn’t work, what not to do next time. When you fail you have the opportunity to look at things from a new perspective. To experiment and even playfully have fun with new ways of doing things. 

When I shifted my perception of failure, so much changed for me. It took some time but I eventually learnt that failure is feedback in the right direction.

Failure is not to be feared. It is from failure that most growth comes

As Steven Bartlett says, “Successful people have moments of self-doubt, bad habits, gaps in their knowledge, procrastination issues, imperfect routines, insecurities, and imposter syndrome too. But they also know that all of these things are perfectly normal. That is the difference.”

When you’re too entrenched in the negative self-talk and stuck in a victim mindset, it’s hard to see the positives. I remember it almost became a habitual pattern to focus on what was going wrong, what I was unhappy about in my life. 

The first step to break out of this pattern is to acknowledge and accept your feelings. If you ignore how you feel it just becomes harder to break free from this pattern going forward. It’s OK to learn into those uncomfortable feelings, in fact it will help you shift from the negative into the positive. Self-awareness is key.

It takes the same energy to worry as it does to be positive. Use your energy to think positive, and positive things will happen

When going through this process I discovered how important self-compassion was to my journey. By treating yourself with kindness and understanding, giving yourself permission to work through these feeling

When you feel like you’re failing it’s hard not to take it as a personal setback. This in turn can feed your feelings of failure, thus creating a vicious circle. Your thoughts loop over and over focusing on the same feelings of failure leaving you feeling helpless and a victim of your situation.

One of the things I did to shift my perspective and not take my failure as a personal setback was to remind myself that it was ‘just for now not forever’. That my situation was temporary and it was just a moment in time.

Sometimes you've got to step back in order to gain a better perspective. What you're too close to the problem, you can't always see it clearly

I reminded myself of everything I had achieved. I’d created success and had a positive mindset before, I could do it again and get back into a good feeling place. It helped me keep things in perspective and focus on the bigger picture and the progress I was making each day. This shifted my focus away from focusing on the negatives to focusing on what was possible.

If you’d like more help with strengthening your mindset, for greater sales and impact in your coaching business, book a free connection call. You are worthy of the success you desire and it gets to be easy.

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