If you’re not creating non-negotiables in your business you’re making excuses and creating a date with failure. Creating non-negotiables in your business will help you get out of your comfort zone, be more productive and take action on the needle movers in your business.
In this week’s blog you’ll learn to understand why it’s so important to create non-negotiables in your business. How to identify non-negotiables in your business for more income and impact. Lastly, what to do if your self-doubt and negative self-talk is bigger than your non-negotiables.
Ready to dive in?
The importance of non-negotiables
If you’re not got a few non-negotiables set in your business then you’re too far entrenched in your comfort zone. It might feel good but you need to truly stretch yourself to grow and create the impact you want. It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and create non-negotiables so you can move your business forward.
When you create non-negotiables you increase your impact by 1% or more a day and over time that has a compound effect on your results. It also helps you get more focused on your vision and goals and gets you to take consistent action to move the needle forward in your business. Releasing you from procrastination and frustration from not making the progress you want. Moving you into a greater sense of joy and accomplishment.
Identifying your non-negotiables
If you’re not clear on your goals and the vision for your business, that’s where you need to start. Close your eyes and visualise your success. Who are you working with? How much are you making in your business each month? What is the impact you’re making? Once you have clarity on that, focus on what actions you need to take to bring your vision into reality. To go from where you are now to where you want to be.
Make sure you create a balance between the masculine and feminine. Between the doing and the receiving. Then decide which of these actions need to be non-negotiable for you and create a practice so you consistently honour them. Also, look at your thoughts, feelings, emotions and patterns of behaviour. What do you need to change? What thoughts do you need to let go of and what do you choose to believe instead. Make these non-negotiables! Because what you think affects how you feel, how you feel affects how you act and how you act affects your outcomes and goals.
Self-doubt vs non-negotiables
Non-negotiables are great but self-doubt can still creep in and take over. This is why it’s important to anchor in your non-negotiables and silence your self-doubt. One of the great ways you can do this is by creating a vision board. It’s not only a fun and creative way to focus on your goals with clear intentions, but there’s also science behind it.
Your brain has the ability to change and adapt through experience. This is a concept known as neuroplasticity. When you create a vision board, you’re actively visualising your goals and desires, which can rewire your neural pathways. The more you visualise positive outcomes, the stronger your neural connections become. This makes it easier to stay focused and take action towards achieving your goals, while kicking self-doubt to the curb.
Ready to call in the vision for your business?
To support you with creating more success in your business and increase your income and impact I’ve created an Ideal Client Attraction Meditation. This will help you support the vision you have for your business and call your vision and goals into reality. It’s more than a meditation, it’s an energetic activation that connects you with the clarity, confidence, and success that already exists within you.
To stay connected you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for more empowering content.
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