Your emotions can either control you or you can control them. But first you need to understand your full range of emotions on both a conscious and subconscious level.
In this week’s blog we’ll be looking at the importance of regulating your nervous system for balance, clarity and confidence. How to become aware of your unconscious emotions and resolve your inner conflict. Finally, what to do if your emotions are controlling you and how to let go and surrender.
Ready to dive in?
Regulating your nervous system
You won’t be conscious of all the emotions you experience every day, of which there are many. One minute you might be feeling joy, the next you might be feeling sadness. But there’s also the unconscious emotions and associated beliefs that truly keep you stuck where you are. Not all of your emotions are on a conscious level.

This creates an internal conflict and a dis-ease in your body affecting your nervous system. Depending on the type of emotions you may be in conflict with you can go into fight and flight. This is when you need to pay particular attention to your nervous system and find ways to soothe it. So you can have the courage, strength and confidence to call in the vision for your life and business.
Resolving your inner conflict
To resolve this inner conflict you must first identify your subconscious emotions and clear them. A great way to do this is to think about the thing that you want to achieve. The big goal you have for your life and business. Say it out loud and write down all the negative emotions that come up around it. Keep writing until nothing else comes out.
This exercise demonstrates a conflict between your conscious and subconscious mind. You won’t be able to achieve your goals if you are in conflict. When you make the unconscious conscious you have the power to heal what is keeping you stuck. So you can step into your gifts and do more of your hearts work.

Give it a go and use the emotional scale to notice the difference in your conscious and subconscious emotions. Then identify how you want to feel instead and use EFT to clear any emotions which hold a lower vibrational energy. When you shift into more positive emotions, it’s easier to have the confidence and strength to call in the vision for your life and business.
Let go and surrender
Sometimes it can feel hard to let go of heavy negative emotions simply because they are so familiar. Your mind likes the familiar as it feels safe. Sometimes we have to have the trust in ourselves that everything will work out OK. Accepting your emotions is a powerful step. When you acknowledge them and pay attention to them you have the power to release them.
When your emotions are overwhelming you, that’s a sign to pause and go in and reconnect with yourself. Take the time to journal and reflect on what’s led you to these emotions. Are there any internal stories you’re telling yourself in your head that are not true? What can you choose to believe instead? How could this affect how you think and feel?

Take time out to let go and surrender. Put down your laptop, take the dog for a walk, surrender in the moment and let the emotions flood through you. Cry if you have to, that’s OK too. Letting go and surrendering doesn’t mean you’re giving up. It’s just a process that allows you to release the intensity attached to your emotions. When you do this you can open yourself up to finding solutions you may not have seen before, as you release the need for control.
Ready to call in your ideal clients with ease?
If one of your goals is to call in your ideal clients and reach your next level of income and impact, check out my free meditation. The Ideal Client Attraction Meditation is more than a meditation. It’s an energetic activation that connects you with the clarity, confidence, and abundance that already exists within you.
And that’s not all, I’d love for us to stay connected. You follow me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn for more empowering content.
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