Life can come with its challenges but with each experience comes an opportunity to heal our past to create our future. Letting go of old patterns and calling in a new upleveled identity.
In this week’s blog we’ll be looking at the importance of embracing the lessons that come with your next uplevel. How to navigate the challenges which come from breaking and healing old patterns. What to do if your nervous system is in overload and how to balance and bring calm to your day.
Ready to dive in?
Embracing the lessons
When you’re in the thick of an uplevel it can feel like life is happening TO you when in fact it is happening FOR you! The Universe has your back.
During an uplevel you’re shifting your identity and that can feel painful and cause all sorts of emotions. From fear, uncertainty, worry, overwhelm, etc. But know that this is a moment in time and it will pass. It’s a time for reflection and slowing down.

Seek support from those that have the tools to help you navigate this transition. Whether that be a supportive online group or a coach or mentor. Know that you are not alone and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Growth can be painful but once you get to the other side everything will become so much clearer.
Breaking old patterns
During an uplevel it can feel like you’re not making any progress. It can even feel like you’re going backwards as you fall back into old and ‘familiar’ patterns.
Your mind doesn’t like change and will do all it can to hold onto patterns which are familiar to it. This is why it’s so important to be kind to yourself and stay consistent with mindset and healing practices.

We create our beliefs from the world around us and the people in it. This is an opportunity to write and express everything that you haven’t or didn’t have the opportunity to say to them.
Let the emotions flow. Feel the anger, resentment and hurt. Let it all out. No matter how painful it might feel at the time.
By doing this you stop giving your power away to them, release negative emotions and break old patterns so you can move into your upleveled version of yourself.
Rebalancing your nervous system
During an uplevel it can feel like things are out of control. When you’re in the sticky middle it can create an imbalance in your nervous system. It’s important to bring yourself into balance and add calm to your day, for greater clarity and focus.
Here are three of my favourite ways for calming my nervous system when it feels overloaded and bringing balance and calm to my day.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) / Tapping: This is by far my favourite way of calming my nervous system. You can think of EFT as a relaxation technique which releases the heavy and negative emotions. It’s a bit like acupuncture without needles.
You can tap along to Brad Yates videos (he has many) or if you want guided scripts then checkout my Empowerment Bundle. Both are powerful ways to let go of your old patterns and release negative emotions.

Breath work: When we’re stressed we don’t breathe properly, or at all. Often we’ll breathe from our chest and not through our diaphragm. Some wonderful breathing techniques for calming your nervous system as you let go of your old patterns are the 4 /7 / 8 and box breathing exercises.
With the first, you breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds and breathe out for eight seconds. Repeat this four times. For box breathing, you inhale for four seconds, hold for four, release for four, hold for four and then repeat. Again you can repeat this four times. Practice each of these and discover which one works best for you.
Pattern interrupts: You can use your senses to create a pattern interrupt. Examples of this are taking a break from the thing that might be triggering you for 30 seconds. You can either focus on your breath, noticing the heat, cold and temperature as you inhale and exhale.
Alternatively, you can pause for 30 seconds and notice everything around you. What do you see, hear and feel? Lastly, for 30 seconds you can rub your fingertips together and notice every little detail. From the ridges of your fingerprints to the smoothness of your skin as it rubs together.

I hope you take a lot away from today’s blog. You can connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to follow more of my content.
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