Is routine your friend or foe? When you have routine you have structure, but it’s what that routine consists of and how long you stay in it that matters. Routine can be your friend but it can act as your foe when you get too stuck in your comfort zone. Because nothing changes and you stop taking the risks that will move you forward in your heart-centred business.
In this week’s blog we’ll be looking at what’s holding you back from getting to where you want to be. How to overcome roadblocks and get out of your comfort zone and into your stretch zone. Finally, we’ll look at what to do to really embrace your gifts in a way that stretches you outside your comfort zone.
Ready to dive in?
Bringing your vision into reality
If you’re wondering what’s holding you back from getting to where you want to be in your heart-centred business, the answer is YOU are! In business and in life you will always be the biggest obstacle.
You are your own roadblock to success and staying stuck in the same routine, because it feels ‘comfortable’ is not going to be the answer. It’s not going to be the thing that will help you bring your vision into reality. In fact it will just lead to more confusion and frustration as you make little to no progress with your goals.

That’s why it’s important to address your beliefs around your goals and 100% advocate for your success and your unique gifts.
Overcoming roadblocks to success
Subconscious means below your awareness, so the first thing you must do to clear your roadblocks to success is, identify them and bring them to your conscious awareness. There are several ways you can do this.
Here are some of my favourites…

When you know what your blocks are you can work on healing them at a conscious level and change your internal narrative. So, if your current routine isn’t helping you move past what’s holding you back it’s time to mix it up and try something new. Even if it feels uncomfortable, especially if it feels uncomfortable as that’s a sign of growth.
Lean into that resistance, past the excuses and into your next level of business growth, so you can get get more of your heart’s work out there and create more income and impact in the world.
Embracing your gifts
By now you should understand the importance of reviewing your routine to make sure you’ve not got too comfortable with your day to day habits. You want to be really embracing your gifts in a way that stretches you outside your comfort zone.
Get clear on what your zone of genius is. For example, I have a gift for helping people unlock their potential. Once you’re clear on your zone of genius take a look at your mindset and beliefs around where and now, where you want to be and how you are applying your gifts in your business.

This is where it’s important to dive deeper into your beliefs and flip the switch on them. Because your old beliefs will only get you so far. It’s when you upgrade your thinking, thoughts and emotions that you have the power to go to the next level.
A simple exercise for reframing your thoughts, and changing the routine of outdated thoughts and belief patterns is this.
Ask yourself ‘is this thought serving me?’. The answer should always be no. Then ask yourself, ‘what is the next best feeling thought I can go for?’. Then you choose again and reach for a better feeling thought. This practice is simple yet effective when you practise it consistently.

Now what?
So in summary, your routine could be the thing that is blocking you as it keeps you in your comfort zone. It keeps you caught up in the same thought patterns and beliefs that are outdated and no longer supporting you.
I hope you took a lot away from today’s blog and to go deeper with this, you can gain instant access to my free masterclass ‘5 proven strategies to overcome excuses, take action and help more people (without spending hours a day meditating).
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