Our subconscious mind is always on alert and looking for ways to protect us. It does this by creating forms of self-sabotage to stop us moving forward. You’ll recognise this in the fear of success. This can show up as perfectionism, delaying your launch, lead magnet, masterclass, etc. All becoming obstacles to your next level of business growth.
In this week’s blog, we’ll be looking at how you create an internal pattern of second-guessing yourself and questioning your own judgement. What to do if you’re questioning your own perceptions or doubting your ability to “get things right”. Lastly, we’ll explore how to lean into greater self-trust and shift your perception from one of criticism to self-acceptance
Ready to dive in?
Questioning your judgement
In childhood, the crucial years in which we create a model of our world, it can seem like we are being unfairly blamed. For me, a time that immediately comes to mind is when a pane of glass down the side of Dad’s greenhouse broke. He asked me and my Brother who did it. Both of us said it wasn’t us, yet I got blamed and branded the guilty one.
It’s moments like these that can lead to us creating distrust in others. But it can also undermine our own self-trust in ourselves. As we start to question our own perceptions of reality. Doubting our ability to “get things right”. Feeling judged and doubted. It can also be a form of gaslighting, intentionally or unintentionally”.
Reflect on a moment from childhood where you were blamed for something you didn’t do and allow yourself to see it from a different perspective. Were your caregivers just doing the best they could with the knowledge they had? Were you really to blame and if not, what can you choose to believe about your reality and perception of the event instead?
Second guessing yourself
When we question our own judgement it comes from a place of not trusting in ourselves. Over time this can create an internal pattern where we second guess ourselves. Our mind becomes accustomed to anticipating and expecting criticism. In turn, we then question our own judgement to avoid conflict or blame.
Having a better understanding of this dynamic can be so powerful for rebuilding that core self-trust in yourself. This is why it’s so important to practise self-compassion, especially around past betrayals. Take the time to notice where you’ve felt misaligned with your own intentions or where you might have judged yourself harshly for small mistakes or imperfections.
Leaning into greater self-trust
Focus on forgiving yourself and letting go of self-blame and focus on self-compassion instead for each of the experiences where you felt betrayed. This will help you lean into self-trust and release self-blame.
Explore times where you felt misaligned with your own intentions or where you might have judged yourself or others harshly for small mistakes or imperfections. Reflect on times that you felt regret, possibly over the smallest things and ask yourself how you can practise forgiveness and self-compassion.
What’s next?
Ready to lean into greater self-trust, stop overthinking and ditch the excuses to create more income and impact, while advocating for your success? Access my free masterclass today.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to follow more of my content, so you can stop diminishing yourself and instead self-advocate for your success. Because you are worthy of the next level of income and impact in your business!
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