As coaches we’re dedicated to our own growth and that can take us on a journey of self-acceptance. With that comes one of the most liberating lessons, in that every time we don’t feel accepted or rejected by others, it’s because we’re mirroring back our own lack of self-acceptance, rejection and self-judgement!
In this week’s blog you’ll learn how to practise self-acceptance and release feelings of shame, judgement and guilt. What to do if you feel rejected by others and how to turn that into a superpower. Lastly, you’ll discover where you’re not in self-acceptance of others and yourself.
Are you ready to dive in?
The transformative power of self-acceptance
For many of us, the rejection wound runs deep, stemming from events in our past where we felt unseen, unheard, or outright rejected by others. These moments can create painful deep-seated beliefs that we are somehow unworthy or unacceptable. Beliefs that linger in our subconscious mind and weigh us down for years and sometimes a whole lifetime if we don’t heal these wounds.
Our lack of self-acceptance stems from the parts of ourselves that we’ve rejected. That’s why it’s important to love and accept these parts of yourself. Perhaps it’s the little girl who felt unseen, the creative dreamer who was told to “be realistic,” or the sensitive soul who was shamed for feeling too deeply.

To practise self-acceptance and release feelings of shame, judgement and guilt we must first recognise where we are mirroring back our own lack of self-acceptance. Ask yourself who was the person you felt rejected by and what beliefs did it give you around being accepted? For each experience or event where you felt rejected, from childhood to now, ask yourself these questions. Allow yourself time to intentionally reflect on what you discover. What patterns do you uncover?
The ripple effect of self-rejection
When we reject aspects of ourselves, whether it’s our quirks or imperfections we become our own harshest critic. Causing us to judge ourselves through a distorted lens of shame, guilt and self-doubt. When we’re deeply immersed in these negative feelings and thoughts it’s hard to receive the very acceptance we crave. We send out mixed signals, unconsciously pushing away the love, support, and appreciation we so deeply desire.

But we have the power to turn these rejections into a superpower. Rejection often reveals more about the other person’s limitations than it does about you. Use it to practise self-compassion and detachment from others’ opinions. Reframe rejection as feedback and embrace it with grace. So it can become a catalyst for deeper self-acceptance.
The path to self-acceptance
To experience more self-acceptance it’s important to practise honest self-reflection and self-inquiry. To discover areas where you’re struggling with accepting others or yourself, it’s important to first slow down and turn your attention inwards.
A powerful practice you can follow is to notice when you find yourself judging, criticising, or feeling resistance toward others choices, beliefs, or behaviours. These moments are often signposts highlighting your own lack of self-acceptance. Ask yourself, what about their beliefs or behaviours is triggering you? What parts of yourself are you unwilling to embrace or make space for?

Similarly, pay attention to the times when you experience shame, harsh self-criticism, or a desire to hide or change aspects of yourself. These are opportunities to lovingly explore the roots of your self-rejection. Journal about the origins of these beliefs, and extend compassion to the parts of you that are craving acceptance.
Healing your self-acceptance wound
Ultimately, the path to self-acceptance is one of self-honesty and having the courage to compassionately explore parts of yourself. Each time you catch yourself judging others or being self-critical, use it as a reminder to pause, breathe, and extend the acceptance you’ve been withholding back towards yourself.
To receive support by embracing self-acceptance with confidence and self-belief take advantage of my special offer. My signature 1:1 coaching program, The Empowered Entrepreneur, has a saving of £333 if you book by 5th June or before.
To find out more, book a free connection call HERE.
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