Everyone has daily habits, both good and bad. Such as brushing your teeth twice a day to getting caught up in negative self-talk. Then falling into self-sabotage and procrastinating on your business dreams. Avoiding the things that scare you and make you feel uncomfortable, as you step into the unknown.
In this week’s blog you’ll learn how to create habits and mindset shifts for more success in your business. What to do if you’re stuck in a habit of negative self-talk and can’t break free and how to maintain positive habits, for greater joy and happiness.
Are you ready to dive in?
Daily habits and mindset shifts
Creating daily habits is a powerful tool to support you in manifesting your dreams and creating more success in your impact. You might not realise it but you already have a lot of daily habits, some good, some bad.
Let’s focus on the bad ones for just a moment. Do you resonate with any of these…
💜 Procrastinating and watching your latest Netflix series when you could be working
💚 Getting caught up in analysis paralysis and perfection and delaying launching of your course
💙 Negative self-talk where you belittle yourself and list the reasons why you can’t be a success

These are the habits that you want to ditch! They are not going to help you achieve your goals, make more money, help more people or create more impact. They are the yardstick between you and your success.
To create daily habits, set an intention and a goal. What do you want to achieve and by when? What do you need to stop doing and what do you need to start doing? Focus on the latter and create a powerful plan to take action. Take action everyday to help form a new habit.
Breaking negative habits
When you feel stuck in a habit of negative self-talk and can’t break free the first step is to recognise where this is showing up in your life. Self-awareness is key and will contribute to creating better habits. Set aside some time to examine your habits throughout the day. What are you doing that is supporting you and the growth of your business? What are you doing that is hindering you and the growth of your business? What do you need to stop doing, start doing, do more of, do less of, etc?

With greater awareness comes greater action. Once you have the awareness of what you want to let go of i.e. negative thoughts and bad habits, you have the power to shift your focus. Gain clarity on what it is that you do want. How do you want to feel? What do you want to achieve and by when?.
Create new actions and carry them out every day until they form a new habit, which typically takes 21 – 28 days for the brain to make them habitual. So that you do them on autopilot. Start today.
Maintaining positive habits
To maintain positive habits you must understand what your underlying beliefs are as they will be the basis of your behaviour. Decide on a new goal and decide on what positive habits you want to create, so you can change who you are. What is their purpose and what outcome are you looking to create for them? Gain clarity on what you want to achieve and by when? How do these habits align with your business goals? How will they help you achieve these goals?

Once you’ve established new positive habits, you will want to pair one habit with another and anchor it in. When you brush your teeth, read out your positive affirmations before or after. Make this a routine and a habit until it becomes second nature and familiar to your mind. Over time you’ll run your new habits on autopilot, just like brushing your teeth.
The Next Step
Would you like more support with addressing your beliefs and negative self-talk? Ready to ditch the self-doubt, increase your confidence, double your impact and make more money in your coaching business? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.Would you like more support with transforming your habits and negative self-talk? Ready to ditch the self-doubt, increase your confidence, double your impact and make more money in your coaching business? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.
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