
Lessons in the art of receiving and mindset shifts

March 15, 2024

The hustle culture is one many of us live in and it can get in the way with our ability to be open to receiving. You don’t have to work hard and struggle, you get to receive support too. You don’t have to go through your entrepreneurial journey alone. In this week’s blog you’re going […]

Lessons in the art of receiving and mindset shifts
Lessons in the art of receiving and mindset shifts
Lessons in the art of receiving and mindset shifts
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The hustle culture is one many of us live in and it can get in the way with our ability to be open to receiving. You don’t have to work hard and struggle, you get to receive support too. You don’t have to go through your entrepreneurial journey alone.

In this week’s blog you’re going to learn to shift your mindset from hustle and grind to one of acceptance and receiving. Learn what to do if you feel guilty asking for help and how to ask for support when you’re resisting it.

Are you ready to dive in?

When you’re in the mindset of having to work hard, hustle and burnout you are blocking your ability to receive. Give yourself permission to shift your mindset from hustle and grind to one of acceptance and receiving. When you slow down you get to speed up.

It can feel uncomfortable to receive help and support from others, especially if like me you have a belief that you have to work hard and do it all yourself. But it’s not true, it’s just a lie our mind is telling us.

In case no one has told you lately, you are amazing, strong, brave, wonderful, kind, loved, worthy and there is no one like you. The world needs you.

When you’re in the hustle and grind you’re not giving your mind those small pockets of time during the day to gain clarity. When you do it all on your own you burn out and this affects you on so many emotional levels. Even down to losing trust in yourself and your abilities as you push for success. Instead, know that it’s OK to ask for help. Whatever that looks like for you. 

Maybe it’s venting to a friend, hiring a coach such as myself, or just turning to tools to help calm your negative self-talk. Allow yourself to be open to receiving, one day at a time.

The hustle and burnout is a form of self-punishment. You tell yourself you feel guilty if you don’t do it all yourself and instead ask for help. But this just perpetuates the struggle and repeats the same pattern.

When you feel guilty about outsourcing and asking for help; whether that be marketing or coaching, ask yourself, what is the benefit? I’d also encourage you to explore the negative consequences of asking for help.

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it

Take a look at related memories around receiving support or help. What was role modelled to you about asking for help? What’s your belief system around asking for help? Do you see it as a weakness? Do you not feel worthy and deserving of asking for support? 

We’ve all been conditioned, by a fashion, and have developed beliefs that we think serve and support us. For me, I grew up with the belief that I have to work hard for money, which over the years has turned into work hard and hustle (with a sprinkle of burnout). Something I’m working hard on (excuse the pun) so I can break the pattern.

That’s what it is, a pattern. We all have patterns of behaviour based on our beliefs. You may have a belief that you can’t ask for help. That you’re a burden to others if you do. This can create resistance when you do want to reach out.

Change the mindset, there's a pattern that's being reflected, that's called 'your thoughts and your beliefs and your behaviours'

When you feel into that resistance, allow yourself to explore it. What would be the negative consequences if you asked for help? What would happen if you were open to receiving support? Get down and dirty with your thoughts. Dig deep. Look for evidence to support and dispute your beliefs and lean into better feeling thoughts and beliefs.

You are worthy and deserving of receiving help. It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength.

The Next Step

Would you like more support with addressing your beliefs and negative self-talk? Ready to ditch the self-doubt, increase your confidence, double your impact and make more money in your coaching business? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.

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