As a Libra star sign, balance and self-care is important to me but equally my scales can tip which means I swing between overworking and giving myself a well deserved rest.
Stress, overwhelm and burn out can affect you emotionally, physically and mentally so it’s important to focus on your self-care so you can come back to yourself.
In today’s blog I’m going to share with you 3 self-care essentials for building your inner confidence.
Slow down to speed up
In this busy online world it’s easy to feel that you have to work hard for success and to a degree you do. But also you get to slow down to speed up.
When you give yourself permission to take the foot off the gas you give your mind and body time to rest and recover. This will help you reconnect with your inner confidence as you’re able to think clearer and generate new ideas for your business.

Have you ever noticed after a good night’s sleep you wake up feeling more positive, more productive and with new business ideas? I encourage you to set a day aside in the week to go to bed early and turn off the alarm clock. You’ll be surprised how it will affect your confidence and business results the next day.
Balance and Harmony
When you’re busy and stressed out it’s hard to achieve the results you want or need in your business. This in turn can affect your confidence because your inner dialogue can become critical.
This is where kindness and self-compassion can come in. It’s not a time to beat yourself up for not hitting your goals. It’s a time for self-reflection, self-care and recognising your accomplishments.

Ask yourself what do you need at this moment? What will lift you up and support your belief and confidence in yourself? Is it a chat with your bestie who will tell you how amazing you are? Or is it a coffee and a read over your amazing client testimonials?
Give yourself permission to create balance and harmony in your life for greater confidence by prioritising your self-care.
Mastering Self-Care
Being an entrepreneur can mean we sometimes fall into hustle mode. Of course this is needed at times but it’s all about balance and mastering self-care for emotional and mental wellbeing.

Here are some things you can do to bring in regular self-care practices to regulate your nervous system and boost your confidence…
❤️ Make a things that you love and appreciate about yourself
💜 Practise the ancient Hawaiian forgiveness technique of Ho’oponopono
💚 Get an early night and turn your alarm off (guilt free)
💙 Say no to something you would normally say yes to
💛 Run a hot bath or read your favourite book if you don’t have a bath
Take the next step
Would you like more support with channelling your inner confidence and releasing patterns of behaviour that are not serving you, for your next level of business success? Book a free connection call and let’s chat about how I might be able to support you.
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