How many times have you uttered the words, out loud or in your head ‘I don’t know enough’. This was the start of my coaching journey and this belief sabotaged my business growth for years!
I felt like an imposter and never felt like I knew enough.
I’d buy the latest business or self-development book or do the next training. I used the excuse that I didn’t know enough to keep my playing small and really going all in on my business.
What I’ve learnt since is that the ‘I don’t know enough’ belief is a myth. Because the fact is we’re never going to know enough. We’re always growing and learning.
What I’ve learnt is that it’s OK to move forward with what you DO know!
In today’s blog I’m talking all about why believing in yourself is so important for your business growth.
Origin Story
The belief ‘I don’t know enough’ came from somewhere. You weren’t born with it. In fact your subconscious mind uses it as a form of self-protection aka self-sabotage.
It protects you from truly putting yourself out there. It keeps you playing small. Stuck in your comfort zone. By digging into the origin story and when you first created this belief, will create self-awareness.

This may be a belief that you’ve inherited from your parents, teachers or society. When was the first time you noticed this belief? Notice yourself saying or thinking ‘I don’t know enough’. Start there.
With awareness comes wisdom.
Breaking the Cycle
Hopefully you now have a better understanding of where this belief came from. The next step is to challenge this belief. Is it really true or is it something that you’ve been telling yourself over and over?
It’s time to challenge your thoughts and create a new reality. What would you like to choose to believe instead? This is where you need to get fierce with your mind and reprogramme if for success.

Pay attention to any fraudulent feelings and do whatever it takes to create a new belief. The mind works through repetition and images. It’s also important to put emotion beyond your new beliefs.
So create affirmations and repeat them daily with emotion. Really feel into this new belief. Feel the emotion. Notice where you feel the emotion in your body and connect to a new way of thinking and being.
Creating a new reality
By now you have a strong mindset strategy for overcoming the belief of ‘I don’t know enough’. You may not notice immediate shifts, but more incremental upgrades. A great way to track your progress is by using a thought diary to reflect on how your thinking shifts.
Get clear on what is ‘enough’ knowledge for your coaching business and your clients. Create a barometer for your success. Look at the results you’ve achieved with the knowledge you currently have. Let that be your baseline.

There’s always an opportunity to learn more. Trust that you know enough for where you are right now. Be confident that you can and are getting results for your clients. Take it one step at a time. One day at a time. You don’t need to be perfect. It’s more important that you show up.
Stop second guessing and give yourself permission to start where you are.
Ready for the next step?
I currently have 2 spots available in my 1:1 coaching program The Empowered Entrepreneur at a special beta price.
This program is designed to help you break through limiting beliefs, unlock your potential, and create a lasting impact. Let’s work together to empower your mindset and make your dreams a reality.
You can learn more about the program HERE.
“Suzie guided me through some yucky feelings of being misunderstood and unseen all the way through to feeling COMPLETELY WORTHY. This bright light of mine is shining!! Shining with love and happiness! I am ECSTATIC!!!” (Melanie)
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