
The younger years…

September 26, 2020

It was at age 7 that my purpose became clear. However, it was many many years later that I understood what that would look like. I remember standing in the living room with My Dad’s Dad (we didn’t call him Grandad – he wasn’t a very nice man). He’d had another heart attack and was […]

The younger years…
The younger years…
The younger years…
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It was at age 7 that my purpose became clear. However, it was many many years later that I understood what that would look like.

I remember standing in the living room with My Dad’s Dad (we didn’t call him Grandad – he wasn’t a very nice man). He’d had another heart attack and was sitting in his chair in the corner of the living room. I went over to him and pulled up the blanket, to keep him warm and I poured him a glass of water.

What happened next was very confusing for my young self…

😔 He didn’t look at me

😔 He didn’t thank me

😔 He didn’t acknowledge me in any way

I didn’t understand why but what I did know, in that moment, was that my purpose in life was to help others ❤️

I didn’t understand what that meant at the time or how it would unfold in my life. I just knew I loved helping others.

As my life evolved and I fell into my Personal Assistant role and moved onto become an Executive Assistant, working in multiple companies of various sizes and across different industries. I worked 1:1 a C level, 1 to 60, and for both male and female bosses.

However, 2013 was the year that everything changed.

I was in the final year of my Psychology degree with the Open University. I was studying during my commute, holding my book in one hand and the handrail in the other.

At lunch time I squeezed in an hour to work on my degree and support my terminally ill Dad, having just lost Mum in April, four days before her 70th birthday.

I was suffering from the loss of my Mum and working hard to get through the final months of my degree. I used my evenings to do research and write assignments. I had no social life….it was all work, study, work.

All this…and my employer suggested I give up my degree so I could improve my performance at work. I felt frustrated that my employer wasn’t supporting me, that they expected me to give up my dream.

My degree was important to me and to my Dad and I did finish it, just weeks before he died, and I left my company and made the decision to retrain as a coach.

I’m writing this because I want you to know that whatever you are going through, you are enough, you can do this, you can pursue your passion and purpose.

If there is something inside of you, a desire to be, do and have more, please don’t ignore it. Listen to it, feel into it, hear what it’s saying to you.

That’s your inner intuition telling you that your life’s purpose is closer than you think. So if there is something you’d like to do, even though deep down you’re scared to take action on it, know that you are not alone.

Know that it is possible, know that I have your back.

You are enough ❤️

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