
Create a new standard and become UNSTOPPABLE!

September 26, 2020

Not feeling good enough is such a common feeling amongst entrepreneurs. Do you feel others are doing a better job than you or perhaps you feel they’re better qualified? Do you feel you should know more and be doing more in your business? Are you frustrated that you’re not as far forward as you would […]

Create a new standard and become UNSTOPPABLE!
Create a new standard and become UNSTOPPABLE!
Create a new standard and become UNSTOPPABLE!
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Not feeling good enough is such a common feeling amongst entrepreneurs.

Do you feel others are doing a better job than you or perhaps you feel they’re better qualified? Do you feel you should know more and be doing more in your business? Are you frustrated that you’re not as far forward as you would like to be?

It’s all too easy to feel that we’re not good enough but when we do that we hold ourselves back from living the life that we desire and truly deserve.

So, what’s underneath our fears?

Have you noticed how some people seek validation for a job well done. I know I certainly used to do this and when I explored it with a friend recently I found that I had no one in my childhood saying ‘wow, well done Suzie that’s amazing, we’re really proud of you’.

I succinctly remember my parents telling each other they loved each other, like all the time, but they never told me. I knew, I just never heard it! Nor did they tell me how proud they were of me. I knew…I think…but I never heard it!

I needed to hear the words.

I didn’t feel validated.

I didn’t feel enough.

It’s in our childhood that we start forming our beliefs and our model of the world. It’s where we internalise our thoughts which we grow to live with and accept.

But I’m telling you enough is enough!

Are you fed up with working really hard in your business but not really getting anywhere?

Are you fed up with struggling and having a lack of clients?

Do you get overwhelmed and procrastinate putting off the things you should really be acting on? Whether you’re aware of it or not this is you self-sabotaging your success.

Stop trying to be perfect. Go for progression over perfection.

Just aim and take fire.

Your business and your income aren’t going to grow if you don’t act!

The only person telling you that you’re not good enough is you. Change has to come from within. It starts with YOU!

If you want to make the change, you really want to let go of the stories that you’ve been telling yourself then get in touch and let’s have a conversation about how I can help you.

Repeat after me…

This is my time

This is my life

I know my next step

I act today

I set a new standard

I create my reality


Act today to create your own reality and let the vision of your future become the reality of your present.

Suzie Flynn | Mindset & Energy Coach | suzie@suzieflynn.com | www.suzieflynn.com

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Photo by Tommaso Fornoni on Unsplash

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