Mindset is probably the biggest factor in success whether you’re an employee or an entrepreneur. As Henry Ford says, ‘whether you think you can, or you think you can’t you’re right’. You see, the way you think affects the way you feel, and in turn the way you act, and the outcomes you create in […]
We all have our own unique set of values and these are fundamental to the direction we take in our life, whilst also influencing the goals we set ourselves. According to the dictionary definition values are ‘The moral principles and beliefs or accepted standards of a person or social group’. I’m sure we can come […]
Mindset has become a bit of a buzzword! You hear it all the time, people do talks on it and write blogs on it, like this one here. You even have Mindset Coaches. So what the feck is Mindset?! The concept of mindset was first discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck. According to […]
When you think about your greatest achievements do you feel accomplished or a fraud? Do you feel you just got lucky and were in the right time or place? Do you attribute your success to others or external factors? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may well have imposter syndrome and not […]
Do you feel confident in your assistant role every single moment of every single day? No, I didn’t think so. In fact it’s unlikely that any of us will feel confident in our role all of the time but there are ways you can increase your confidence and move beyond what is holding you back, […]
Following Mental Health Awareness week this month I wanted to focus this blog on how you can be kinder to yourself and practice more self-care. Being kind to yourself isn’t just about what you do, it’s also about your thoughts. Did you know we have over 50,000 thoughts each day and most of these are […]
I wanted to address something head on today…OVERWHELM! We have all felt overwhelmed at some point, whether that’s juggling our workload, staying on top of the household or keeping focused on our job search. We’re all experiencing so much uncertainty in our lives right now and this in itself can feel overwhelming. When overwhelm takes hold we […]