
The Diminisher Part 2: Reframing critical self-talk

September 27, 2024

This week’s blog is the second in a four part series where I’ll be helping you recognise how you self-sabotage with your inner saboteur, The Diminisher. Throughout the course of these four blogs you’ll learn how to silence your Diminisher and advocate for your success and potential. In this week’s blog we’ll be exploring the […]

The Diminisher Part 2: Reframing critical self-talk
The Diminisher Part 2: Reframing critical self-talk
The Diminisher Part 2: Reframing critical self-talk
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This week’s blog is the second in a four part series where I’ll be helping you recognise how you self-sabotage with your inner saboteur, The Diminisher. Throughout the course of these four blogs you’ll learn how to silence your Diminisher and advocate for your success and potential.

In this week’s blog we’ll be exploring the impact of negative self-talk on your business success. What to do if you’re challenged by limiting beliefs and how to identify them. Lastly, how to transform your negative thoughts with practical strategies.

Ready to dive in?

Negative self-talk is the internal dialogue that undermines our abilities and self-belief. It is just one aspect of The Diminisher and can have a profound impact on our success and potential. It’s The Diminisher’s most potent weapon, silently eroding our confidence, self-worth and limiting our achievements. 

Here’s how negative self-talk affects the growth of our heart-centred business…

Reduced self-confidence: Constant self-criticism weakens our belief in our abilities, making us hesitant to take on challenges or pursue opportunities

Increased stress and anxiety: Negative self-talk can create a cycle of worry and self-doubt, leading to heightened stress levels and anxiety about future performance.

Managing your self-talk helps you increase your confidence and stop catastrophising worse case scenarios in your head and increases clarity

Impaired decision-making: Self-doubt can lead to analysis paralysis or fear-based decisions, preventing us from making choices that could lead to growth and success.

Decreased resilience: Negative self-talk can make setbacks seem more catastrophic, reducing our ability to bounce back from failures and learn from our mistakes.

Here’s the thing, negative self-talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. When we constantly tell ourselves we’re not good enough or that we’ll fail, we’re more likely to act in ways that align with these beliefs, inadvertently creating the very outcomes we fear.

When we recognise the impact of negative self-talk, we can start to understand the importance of reframing these thoughts. In the following sections, we’ll explore strategies to challenge and transform our internal dialogue, paving the way for greater success and self-advocation of our potential.

Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained thoughts or perceptions that impact our potential and affect the growth of our business. These beliefs often operate subconsciously, shaping our decisions and actions without us even being aware of their day to day impact.

Here’s how to identify and challenge these beliefs…

Listen to your inner dialogue: Pay attention to recurring negative thoughts or self-doubt. Are they supporting you or holding you back? What thought can you choose to focus on instead?

Notice absolute statements: Words like “always,” “never,” or “impossible” often signal limiting beliefs. What words could you use instead? For example, “I can” or “I choose to”

Examine your fears: Many limiting beliefs are rooted in fear of failure, rejection, or inadequacy. What is your origin story around these beliefs? What do you choose to believe instead?

Reflect on your behaviour patterns: Do you consistently avoid certain situations or opportunities? This might indicate an underlying limiting belief. Explore, through journaling or self-reflection, the negative consequences of addressing these situations or opportunities.

Your words have power over you. Choose words that empower you not disempower you. Choose 'I can' and 'I will' instead of 'I can't' and 'it's impossible'

Question the belief: Ask yourself, “Is this belief really true? What evidence do I have that supports or contradicts it?”

Seek alternative perspectives: How would a confident friend or mentor view your situation? What would be the difference in their perspective?

Challenge the belief with action: Take small steps outside your comfort zone to prove your limiting beliefs wrong.

Reframe negative thoughts: Replace limiting beliefs with empowering alternatives. For example, change “I’m not good enough” to “I’m constantly learning and improving.”

Visualise success: Imagine yourself overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals. This can help rewire your brain for success.

Remember, overcoming limiting beliefs is a process that requires patience and persistence. By consistently challenging and reframing these beliefs, you can gradually expand your perceived limitations and unlock your full potential.

In the next section, we’ll explore practical exercises to help you transform your limiting beliefs into empowering ones, paving the way for greater success and fulfilment.

Transforming negative thoughts is a crucial step in overcoming The Diminisher and unlocking your full potential. Here are some practical strategies to help you reframe your thinking…

Thought Pattern Interrupt: When you catch yourself in negative self-talk, mentally say out loud or in your head “STOP!” This interrupts the thought pattern and gives you a chance to redirect your thinking.

Cognitive Restructuring: Challenge your negative thoughts by asking questions such as; Is this thought based on facts or feelings? What evidence contradicts this thought? How would I advise a friend who is thinking these thoughts?

Positive Affirmations: Create a list of positive statements about yourself. Repeat these daily, especially when negative thoughts arise. For example, “I am capable of handling challenges” or “I am worthy of success and happiness.”

Challenge your negative thoughts and look for evidence to support or refute the. Are your thoughts based on your perception or reality?

Gratitude Practice: Regularly noting things you’re grateful for can shift your focus from negative to positive aspects of your life. This is about cultivating an attitude of gratitude every day and making it a habit.

Visualisation: Spend a few minutes each day visualising yourself succeeding in your goals. This can help build confidence and counteract negative self-talk. This is a great one to integrate into your morning routine before you start your day.

Mindfulness Meditation: Practise observing your thoughts without judgement. This can help you detach from negative thinking patterns.

Remember, transforming negative thoughts is a skill that improves with practice. Be patient and kind with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. With consistent effort, you can rewire your thinking patterns and silence The Diminisher for good.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections on the the impact of negative self-talk in your life. Just drop me an email at suzie@suzieflynn.com and let me know what you found most helpful in this blog. What actions are you going to take and what aha’s or lightbulb moments did you experience from reading this?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and stay tuned for the third in this four part blog series, where we will looking at cultivating self-advocacy for greater success and abundance.

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